Chapter 37 - Escape Plan

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The Precanus system orbiting planet Sporax.

Terra date 22-10-2201

Ray was running out of time. The Ship was already orbiting Sporax and it would just be a matter of time before the ship's shuttle would return with the feared ancient one.

If Ray was going to escape, he would have to do it soon. He wasn't about to wait around. Teleka understood the gravity of the situation. She wanted to help, but preferred not rushing into things. She did have a plan, but it depended on the loyalty of her crew and she shared what she knew with Ray.

<There is still one other Jamill on this ship who is loyal to me,> she told him, <I have sensed it. When the time is right we will know what to do.>

She knew that whatever they would do would not work without outside help. Yet, Ray didn't think waiting around would be in his best interest.

<So, we just wait for something to happen?> he asked as he looked back to Teleka. <What if that ancient guy comes before that? We need to do something now!>

Teleka did not argue. She was the one that usually thought of a plan, but since it was Ray's life in the balance, she would indulge his ideas.

Ray considered the others in the cell. As Teleka had suggested the men with her did not look much like they were looking forward to any risks or challenges. Yet, they were her body guards and he imagined that if they were there, they should have some ability to help her if she needed them. Even if they were not the toughest people in the room, they could probably provide a distraction.

Ray thought back to his interrogation and capture, mentally going through everything he could recall of the experience.

<I was hit with a long staff. Is it a weapon?>

Teleka nodded.

<It is called a paytel. It means burst. The Korram are very capable with that weapon.>

Teleka paused, then added while indicating with her arms as she communicated, <I know what you are thinking. Yes, there are only two Korram guards. But they are much stronger. Without our weapons we cannot defeat them.> The woman that could be considered petite motioned that the Korram were as much as a meter taller than she.

Ray sensed in her words and realized, as she, that the Korram did not want to kill their prisoners just yet. But, she though it would be unwise to provoke them. He, though, had nothing to lose.

He knew that Teleka had already grasped his plan. Mind reading clearly had its advantages over the alternatives he was more used to, at least in this situation. It made it less likely that the enemy could eavesdrop.

Ray envisioned more of the plan, suspecting that Teleka was also adding and imagining risks and potential outcomes. He pictured various tactics that could be employed get past the guards and get weapons.

She turned back to him. She understood that Ray's intention was simply to get to the weapons and, in the process, hoped to solicit the aide of anyone still loyal outside the chamber.

<Yes, if you can get past the guards, I will be able to guide you to the weapons,> she said, hoping the best, but suspecting it would be risky.

Ray did not delay. He went to the door, banged on it to get the attention of the guards outside. He spoke aloud in an authoritative tone. "Let me speak to your leader!"

The door opened and two of the tall grey skinned Korram guards stepped in to investigate. They had their paytels ready and seemed not to really want to deal with anyone from inside the cell. Ray moved to the side of the door, hiding his position from the guards as Teleka moved forward. With the Jamill closer to the guards it was moredifficult for them to maneuver their two meter long weapons. The guards were not surprised and didn't bother to call for help.

Rather than point the paytel at Teleka, the first guard walked toward the center of the room and held it up as if to taunt her to attempt to overpower him for the weapon. The other guard stood near the door. She bravely stood up to him. Without going for his weapon, she jumped up and surprised him with a karate kick to his chest. The guard staggered a couple steps back. Teleka moved with impressive speed attacking the beast from behind, as he tried to get his bearings on her. She continued to jump and punch and kick the one guard, with sadly, little effect.

She communicated with her subordinates who joined her in the attempt to distract the guards. The men both lunged toward the guard that was at the door, causing him to also get involved in the fight. Teleka's men were a good team. One of them grabbed the Paytel and the other tried to trip the guard. Unfortunately, the guard stood his ground and the men looked impotent in disarming the Korram soldier whom's muscles had hardly flexed.

It was, however, enough for Ray to make his move. As the two men hung on the Korram guard closest to the door, he bent down and slipped out into the corridor. His mind was open to Teleka's direction, but he knew she was preoccupied at the moment.

Ray realized that without weapons or at least stronger allies, it would be very difficult to defeat the Korram in hand to hand combat. Teleka's warning made more sense now, seeing how tough they were first hand. He had made it out, and that was Teleka's mission. Now all Ray had to do if find some weapons or maybe the loyal Jamill she spoke about.

Ray found himself running down the corridors aimlessly. What he did not know was that the guard that Teleka had attacked grew tired of the assult and decided to end it.

She had managed to stay one step ahead of his blows, but she could not avoid them altogether. As he tracked her movements, the large muscular guard flung around his large fist and struck Teleka in the face. The impact sent her back against the wall. Teleka stayed conscious only long enough to see Ray sneak out of the room.

The other Jamill struggled with the other guard, unable to loosen the Paytel from his grip. They too fell to the ground as the Korram effortlessly put them back where they were, trapped in the chamber.

Ray glanced around then focused his thoughts back to Teleka, hoping she would respond before he was discovered. <I am out. Where do I go from here?>

She was unable to respond. She had done her best to support Ray's plan, but, as things often do, things went wrong. No responds from the Jamill bodyguards either. They were concentrating whatever brain power they had in preventing other Jamill from taking Ray's thoughts. Ray was trapped. He could not manage to open any of the passageways he spotted. Though he tried to hide from an oncoming Korram guard, there was no place to hide, only run. And that is what he did.

He ran toward the back of the ship thinking that perhaps there would be a shuttle or other way to get off the miserable stinking ship. His optimism started to fall when he was forced to alter course several times as the Korram sealed off his options.

Then, suddenly, Ray heard a weapon discharge. Ftsshh.. He was struck in the back and was stopped in his tracks. Every nerve inhis body tingled with burning pain. The thought that he was breathing his last breath went through Ray's mind, and then everything went blank.

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