Love bites ( Dwake Halloween Edition )

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When Dwight woke up, everyone was gone. The campfire was put out, only leaving its smoky remains. He looked around to see if anyone was hiding from him. Maybe everyone was pulling a prank on him. He sat there, waiting for everyone. Anyone. When it was clear that this was no harmless prank, Dwight got up to his feet. It was already nighttime, and storm clouds were rolling in. He was certainly out of luck this night.

Dwight ran through the woods, as his shoes splashed through the wet mud. The mixture of rain and darkness hindered Dwight's vision. He could barely see anything in front of him. His crappy flip phone's light wasn't enough to help his way. The rain made the trail hidden to Dwight, because now it looked like any patch of mud. Dwight's foot caught on something, and he fell forwards. He couldn't have seen that tree root in the darkness!

It was only a short amount of tumbling before Dwight reached to a stop. He groaned and forced himself into a sitting position. He winced when he tried to move his right arm. He figured he landed on it wrong. He prayed it wasn't broken. Aside from his arm, everything else was fine. Yet he didn't move from his spot. Dwight sat there in defeat. He didn't want to admit it before, but he couldn't deny it now. He was lost.

Tears built up in Dwight's eyes. He was used to this sort of treatment. People doing cruel things to him. But it didn't change how much it hurt. Why was he still being bullied? Why did everyone hate him so much? Why did his coworkers have to be so cruel to leave him here alone? Now Dwight was horribly lost, and perhaps the only people that would go looking for him would be his parents. The realization of his loneliness hit Dwight like a ton of bricks.

He started to cry. It was something he did alone, in his room cocooned by his blankets. He hated crying in front of other people. It made him feel so vulnerable. But he was certainly alone, so he cried his eyes out. Dwight rubbed up at his eyes, trying to stop his crying. He should focus on crying later, after he's found a way home.

A nearby twig snapped. Dwight stiffened up at the sound. He sat perfectly still, waiting in the darkness for another noise. He prayed it wasn't a wild animal looking for its dinner. Then Dwight heard footsteps. This was not an animal. Dwight scooted over to a nearby tree, hiding from whatever it is. He held his breath, hoping whoever was nearby would leave. That wouldn't be the case. A tall figure appeared next to Dwight, almost as if he appeared out of thin air.

"Are you lost?" Said the figure.

Dwight jumped away and shrieked. He held up his hands in defense, praying he wouldn't be harmed. The figure let out a small sigh.

"I'm not here to hurt you." Said the figure. "I'm Jake, I own a house nearby, and I heard you running around my property. People usually get lost around these parts." He stares at Dwight, with an emotionless face. .

Dwight lowered his hands, wincing again at the pain. Now that his fear was gone, he noticed the figure looked very normal. Shaggy black hair. A scarf neatly wrapped around his neck. This Jake didn't look like a threat. Maybe except he looked quite intimidating.

"Did you hurt your arm? I have something in my house that might help you." Jake extended his hand out to Dwight. "Come on, it's not too far from here."

Dwight stared at the hand in a suspicious manner. Who lived this deep in the woods? Maybe this guy was some crazy axe murderer. Then again, he was offering to help Dwight. He couldn't exactly say no in this situation. Dwight reached up to take Jake's hand.

Dwight's eyes widened, and he pulled away harshly. The hand was icy cold. Almost as if Jake has been in the snow for hours. Almost as if Jake is dead. Jake's freezing palm sent shivers down Dwight's spine.  Jake looked a bit embarrassed, but he shrugged it off.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 31, 2018 ⏰

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