Chapter One

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Katniss' POV•

I laid back down in bed, terrified that if I fell asleep I would have another nightmare about my days in the arena..or even worse..Prim's death. I stood up and walked around my house in the Victors Village. I looked out my window and saw that Peeta's lights were still on in his house. Haymitch must've been alseep..or he was just drunk in the dark. I put on some boots and opened my door. A gush of cold wind slammed me in the face as I exited my house. I walked through our lawns until I met Peeta's door. With a deep breath, I lifted my arm and knocked. Almost instantly, he pulled the door open.

"Oh, hey Katniss," he said, gesturing for me to come in.

"Hi Peeta," I said, walking inside.

"What are you doing here?" He said, with the slight trace of a smile.

"Well I was going to go to sleep but I knew I'd have nightmares so I saw your light on and decided to visit. Hope you don't mind.."

"Of course not! It's just that you never visit me anymore these days," he said, walking to his kitchen. I followed and stood on the opposite side of the counter from him.

"Whatre you baking?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Your favorite. I was going to bring some over tomorrow." He said, smiling down at the dough that he was forming into small circular objects.

"Cheese buns..thanks Peeta." I smiled up at him.

Since Gale has been in District 2, Ive been kind of relieved. It's like a weight was taken off of my shoulders. Deep inside I knew what I needed..I didnt need Gale's hunting or hatred.. I needed Peeta's baking and happiness that no one else has. He was my missing half. But he doesn't know that I love him... He doesn't love me anymore..not since he was hijacked by the Capitol.

"You're welcome Katniss. Anytime." He put the cheese buns in the oven and cleaned his counter off.

"Now what would you like to do?" He said, smiling at the ground.

"Well we can do whatever you want to do, Peeta. It's your house that I barged into...." We both laughed and he took my arm and led me to the couch. I felt sparks at his touch. He sat down and patted the spot next to him for me to sit down. I sat and he turned to me.

"So..want to play real or not real?" He asked.

"Sure. Ask away."

"You're cold like I am right now and wish that we could share a blanket. Real or not real?" We laughed and I daringly took his hand in mine.

"Absolutely, one hundred percent real." I smiled and he grabbed a blanket from the chair next to the couch we were sitting on. He unfolded it and I moved closer to him. He put the blanket on the both of us and put his arm around me.

"I missed this.." I said quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear.

"So did I." I guess he heard..

"Any more questions for me??"

"Well it's your turn. If you have any questions for ME." He smiled and I sighed.

"Hmmm....You used to be desperately in love with me. Real or not real?" I asked, winking at him. He laughed and said, "Well..kind of real. I WAS deeply in love with you then.. But I am STILL deeply in love with you now, Katniss." I sighed because I knew it wasn't true.

"No youre not. No one loves me. I killed so many people and ruined so many lives.. You can't love me. Please dont lie to me, Peeta." I said.

"Katniss..I'm not lying." I stopped arguing but still did not believe him. He was about to open his mouth and say something else when I quieted him by pressing my finger softly against his lips.

"Shhh. Dont say anything. Just come here and lay down with me," I said, pulling him down on the couch. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. The feeling came back...that hunger that overtook me during the Quarter Quell..on the beach.. I wanted him more than anything right now. I wanted his lips against mine. I just wanted him. But I knew Haymitch was right..I would never deserve that boy. Not in a million lifetimes...Instead, I laid my head against his chest and he stroked my hair with his hand.

Peeta's POV

She is beautiful. The girl on fire. Katniss Everdeen. And I love her. She thinks I don't, but I do..I really, really do. I looked down at her face and noticed that her eyes were on mine. She lightly blushed and her gray Seam eyes flickered away from my blue eyes.

"'s getting late. I should probably-"

"Shh.." I said, putting my finger to her lips in the middle of her sentence, like she had done to me earlier. "Don't leave yet.."

"Okay." I smiled down at her and she smiled back.

"What do you want to do, Ms. Everdeen?" She laughed as the words "Ms. Everdeen" were released from my mouth.

"Peeta..Can I tell you something that I've been meaning to tell you for a while...?" She asked.

"Of course. What is it?"

"It's just that you're the only person that can make me smile anymore..tonight was the first time I've laughed since Prim....since.....Prim....." She seemed to choke on the words.

"Oh, Katniss.." I wrapped my arms around her tightly and pulled her into my chest. "I have you now and I won't let anything happen to you. Ever." She looked up at me with tear stained eyes and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, Peeta. Thank you.." Her tears flowed from her eyes and I wiped them each away softly with my fingertip. As I reached my hand towards her cheek to wipe another, she took my hand away and held it in hers.

"I need you boy with the bread. I always will need you." I felt a shiver sent down my spine as the new words rung in my ears.. I need you boy with the bread....

"And I need you too, girl on fire. I always have."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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