Kazumi Reborn from the dead

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kazumi suddenly reborn from the dead and her body went back in time before she meets king martian and Momoko from the vampire kingdom and she is now at her house resting her injured wound.

Kazumi P.O.V
argh my body is still hurt like hell and so painful why am I still alive I thought I died from that fight from that evil vampire and Momoko is holding my charm necklace from the started I must see them and tell them that I alive from the battle but I can't tell them now I need to recover my injured wound before go to the vampire kingdom.

I wish I can see Momoko again and I will always protect her from anything could happen to her and king martian as well.

Suddenly Kazumi heard someone is knocking on her door and Kazumi say"please come in" and the door open by his butler and say to her" Kazumi how yours wound it is healing".

Kazumi: yes is healing only my chest is healing not my stomach or my legs

King Butler: well Kazumi you need to be patient and rest more and tomorrow we need to go to the vampire kingdom for you to return from the dead

Kazumi: but king martian and Momoko didn't know that Takayama Kazumi is dead from the previous fight with an evil vampire

King Butler: not worry Kazumi I will help you with that problem just trust me on this

Kazumi: fine I trust you

King Butler: go to sleep Kazumi-sama and please wake up early for breakfast

Kazumi: I will go to sleep see you tomorrow king

King butler: well have a long rest for the tomorrow well good night Kazumi

Kazumi: good night king

The next morning Kazumi wake up and walk to the toilet and take a shower and do some business in the toilet.

Kazumi finally finish shower she went downstairs and have a breakfast and Kazumi haven't seen king anywhere and where is king.

Kazumi P.O.V
Where is king anywhere why I alone eating in an empty table without a single person sitting next to me.

Where are you, king?

Meanwhile at vampire kingdom king went to seeking martian and ask her about Momoko condition and king want to tell her about Kazumi is not dead she is alive from the dead.

Kazumi butler appears at king martian office room and king martian turnaround and suddenly saw king butler who is visiting king martian and something happened between them.

King: your majesty I came by to ask you a favour about ozono Momoko condition

Martian: what about ozono Momoko condition

King: well Takayama Kazumi is not dead she is still missing and recover her injured wound

Martian: Kazumi is dead that impossible that she can be alive

King: well meet we again king martian

Martian: wait who are you anywhere

King: I'm sorry to let me introduce you I'm King Butler and I serve Takayama Kazumi and she is alive and now she is resting at my house which is no visiting is allowed

Martian: wait Kazumi is alive and never report to me or the vampire guard

King: well see you later king martian

King butler vanished in the thin air and went home and check on Kazumi if she had already wake up from her sleep and eat her breakfast which brain and blood for her drink.

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