My Story - With Brooklyn Beckham

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(First of all, I really don't mind how many reads this story gets, I wanted something to do and have always enjoyed writing so here you go. Second, I know there are so many spelling and grammar mistakes, I wrote this on Wordpad so it made it almost impossible to correct all the mistakes but as long as you can understand what I'm trying to say. And thirdly, no I didn't write this about myself. I don't have an obsession with Brooklyn Beckham I just chose to write about him becuase he's around my age. Lauren is a completely fictional character and although this is classed as 'fan fiction' I didn't really write it with that soul purpose, it's just a love story that happens to include a famous person. I wanted to show that girls don't have to be really skinny to be desired, with perfect 'beach blonde' hair or a flawless face. It's written to show people that no matter what's happened in your past, everyone deserves a chance. I had good fun writing this in my spare time so I hope you guys will be as 'attached' to these characters as I've grown to become. Enjoy!)

Fame. It changes people. Sometimes for the better but a lot of the time for the worst. It can make people and break them just as easy. It can make a life and can take a life. But enough about 'people', lets get to the story, my story.

Chapter 1 - Me

I am just.... well, normal really. Average teenage life with average people doing average teenage things. My name is Lauren Thomas and I'm 14. I was born and grew up in the south costal town of Bournemouth in England. When my parents divorced at the age of 7 they went their seperate ways, I havn't seen my dad since then and the last memory I have of him was lost with my respect for my father. He had a 'drinking disorder' as some liked to put it but I prefer to call him a straight up drunk. No one likes to talk about it, it's just not brought up. But if it is, it's considered worse than mentioning 'voldemort' to Harry Potter.

My mum and I have a decent relationship. Most of the time in movies when there is the typical mum or dad who is not around the child grows up very close to the remaining parent, that's not the case for me. We fight all the time, we choose to put it down to the fact that we are 'too similar' but I think it is because we just don't get on, simple as that. One thing people should know about me is that I don't bother 'suger coating' things I just say things as they are.

As for my dreams and ambitions, I believe they are quite simple. Get a good job that earns good money, I want to live in west London for a while and then move to California, Santa Monica to be specific. I think it is easy enough to understand, and reach, but my family think otherwise. I'm not sure which parts they are not getting? Yes they may sound big ambitions but I believe I am fully capeble of acheiving this, but why the hell do they tell kids to 'dream big' when at the end of the day they tell them it's not possible!

I love performing arts and I dream of persuing a career in them, however, I understand that my chances are extremely thin so I try to find other careers that I could persue. It always just keeps tracing it's way back to the same conclusion though. Performing arts. It's a never ending vicious cycle.

Growing up I always wanted to go to the Italia Conti school of performing arts in London but it was way too expensive for us to ever afford. I get involved in every school musical/play/concert that there is and was ever going but it's not the same. It's like having Primark's virsion of converse, instead of the real thing.

Chapter 2 - The Trip

My Story - With Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now