Chapter ten

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I pulled into the fairgrounds at 2:30 am. I got out of my truck and unloaded the horses. I set up stalls on the left side of the trailer and I unwrapped their legs I gave them water and their supplements and let them loose. I went inside and changed out of my rodeo clothes and put on my pjs and crawled in bed to get a little sleep before I had to get up again.


I woke up at 9:30 and went to feed the horses. I got outside to feed and I was mauled by people. I hurried as quickly as I could to feed then rushed back inside. I had no idea what that was about. I texted Haze and asked him if he heard of anything happening last night or something but he said no.

I got in the shower and cleaned up then put make up on and did my hair and made breakfast. I looked out the window to see if all those people were still there and luckily they weren't. I went outside and tied up the horses. I saddled Dakota and worked him out. I'm not going to ride Montana cause he did good last night and I'm running Oklahoma tonight.

I rode Dakota and I found the nearest Starbucks and rode him their and got some carmel coffee and went back.

People were looking at me like "What the heck" because I was riding my horse thru the drive-thru. I didn't really care though as long as those annoying people left me alone.

I got back to the trailer and tied Dakota back up. I let Montana loose and put ice boots and my bot blanket on Oklahoma to prepare him for tonight. I went back inside and drank my coffee while I watched tv.

*4 hours later*

The rodeo started and I was eating my food and watching the beginning.

I finally went back and saddled up Oklahoma and got ready to go. I ran a 17.11 and won it! I hopped off and claimed my check cause I was the last rider to go.

I got back to the trailer and I untacked and let him loose and I fed them their grain and all of a sudden those stupid people came out again.

I ran inside and locked the door. I looked out the window and they slowly left. After they all left I put on my pjs and got in bed and I fell asleep trying to figure out why and what they were doing this to me for.


I arrived at the fairgrounds at 1 am and got about 7 hours of sleep. After I woke I ate breakfast and fed the horses. I saw that Keslie had parked by me and I was going to go over to her trailer and say hi but I figured that she'd still be asleep then I forgot about it. Which I don't understand how that's possible but ok.

I saddled up Harley and worked him then got Jackson ready for tonight. I came inside and ate breakfast and I got ready for tonight. I practiced my roping and my tieing.

*4 long hours later*

It was finally rodeo time! I saddled up Jackson and put his boots on them grabbed my ropes and warmed him up.

I got to the arena and I watched the other guys go. The top time so far was a 4.34, so I was hoping for at least a 4.32.

It was my turn to go and I set Jackson up in the box and nodded my head. The calf took off and I went after it. I got a 4.33 and took the lead! I hopped back on Jackson while the judges untied the calf and I kept first! I won the night and got a check of $120.

I got back to the trailer and hurried to untack cause I wanted to watch Keslie.

I ran back to the arena and watched from the box. I barely got there in time to watch her!

She ran a 17.11 and won the first night! She had a huge smile on her face as she came out of the arena and you could tell that she's in heaven!

I went back to my trailer and fed the horses and went to bed.

**I'm running out of ideas for this book so this chapter and some of the other new ones are going to be shorter.**

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