The Morning After

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Cheryl's POV

I wake up and feel strong arms wrapped around me. I open my eyes and see Archie.

"Shit," I say into the quiet room.

"Mmm. Good morning," Archie says just waking up.

"Good morning. Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah but it's fine," he says pulling me closer.

"How did you sleep?" I ask.

"Great." He answers.

"What are you gonna do about Valerie?"

"I have no clue to be honest." He says sighing.

"Do you regret last night though?"

"Not one bit," He says and kisses my forehead.

"Do you?" He asks me.


"Cheryl Blossom! What do you think you're doing!?" My mom says as she barges into my room.

"Mom!" I yell covering up my body.

"What is he doing here?" She yells.

"Nothing! Now turn around!"

"Uh I'm gonna go. See you at school Cheryl." Archie says to me as he rushes to put on his clothes and get out before my mom kills him.

"Get up and get ready child. We don't want you being late for school and ruining our reputation." My mom says then turns and walks out my door.

Archie's POV

I get to school and see Cheryl in the hall. We lock eyes and then she darts away.


I look over and see Valerie walking up to me.

"Hey Val." I say.

"Archie can I talk to you?"

"Sure what's up?"

"I think we need to break up Archie. Its just not working out. You have been very distant lately and the connection just isn't there." Val says to me.

"Fine then Val if that's what you want then fine." I say and walk away from her.


Later that day I go and find Cheryl before football practice.

"Cheryl! Can we talk?"

"Sure Archikins." She says smiling at me.

"Do you think you'd want to go on a date with me to Pop's?" I ask nervously.

"What about Valerie?"

"She broke up with me."

Cheryl's smile turns into a frown.

"Oh. Was it because of me?"

"No. It just wasnt going to work out. Now about that date?"

"I would love to Archie," She says smiling at me.

I smile back, "Great. I'll pick you up at 7."

"I'll be ready," Cheryl says then giggles.

I lean in and kiss Cheryl. We stand there and kiss for a couple minutes but it felt like hours.


After our date I drive Cheryl home and walk her up to her door, our hands intertwined.

"I had a great time tonight Archie," she says smiling at me.

"Me too. Id love to do it again. If you'd like," I say.

"Id like that a lot."

"Sweet! I'll text you," I say excited.

Cheryl giggles and gives me a kiss on the cheek then says, "Good night."

"Good night Cher."

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