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"Come on Barty!" Ivy shouted hurrying her younger brother along. She wanted to get on the train and see her friends already excited about entering her 6th year, Barty entering his 4th. Even in his 4th year barty had his sister forced to look after him by Barty Sr himself.

"I'm coming why are you in a rush?!" Barty shouted back weaving through the crowd of both muggle and magical folk. Ivy ignored this just wanting to get out of sight of her father. The siblings clambered on to the train ready to go in separate ways not before Barty hugged his older sister much to her disgust.
"Why do you have to be in Hufflepuff ?" Barty asked not really seriously
"Because I'm great now go away" and with that ivy marched off to find Sirius. The siblings had never been close. Their relationship was the kind of relationship where Ivy torments Barty relentlessly but if anyone else would to that, she would commit a murder that not even Sherlock Holmes could figure out. She had his back when he needed it.

"Oi looking for me, Crouch" the oh so familiar voice of Sirius Black rung through Ivy's ears from behind her. "Can't keep yourself away from me long can you?" He continued smirking which earned a playful punch from ivy.
"Shut up loser, you really need a haircut you're starting to look like a girl." giggled Ivy only earning Sirius sticking his tongue out in response. It wasn't long until they found James, Remus and Peter already in a compartment.

"I tell you moony this'll be the year!" An exasperated James shouted Remus rolling his eyes. Ivy and Sirius already knew what this was about, it was a conversation they'd had to endure for years.
"Mate hell will freeze over before she settles for you Prongs" Sirius said laughing earning a laugh from the others in the carriage apart from James of course opting to give Sirius the middle finger. Ivy slouched down in her seat, her leather jacket squeaking as she did so. This is a conversation she had heard may times. It was always "the" year.

"Oh remus here's your book back" Ivy said smiling handing Remus a book she had borrowed over the summer, although Ivy didn't look like the type who would read books she did like them although she struggled to find books that would interest her Remus always did his best.
"Oh erm thanks Ivy, did you enjoy it?" He said smiling awkwardly hoping she enjoyed the book he had enjoyed so many times.
"I mean I did but I didn't get the ending." She replied bluntly.
"Why? What didn't you understand?" He asked slightly disappointed.
"She got none of it because she's a dumbass" Sirius chimed in.
"Shut it Black" Ivy snapped at Sirius "I didn't get it because like why did Lazarus not go to Zandar just to stay with Gisela! I mean it's Zandar! If I was his position I would go to Zandar and he only just met Gisela!" Ivy exclaimed loudly snapping everyone else in the compartment out of their conversation. Remus sighed.
"He stayed with her because she was his soul mate" he replied calmly.
"But she they only just met how could they be soulmates already? And what if they didn't work out and he passed up going to Zandar!" She said getting even louder.

Remus loves this about her, she always got louder when she spoke about something she was really passionate.
"Ivy. It was implied that they stayed together, the last line was "and they lived happily ever after" so of course they stayed together" he argued back.
"Oh bullshit Remus the whole "happily ever after" thing is total crap!" She shouted laughing slightly.
"Hey ivy do you think you could quiet down a little you're waking the dead" Peter said to ivy sarcastically.
"Oh sorry" she replied not realising how loud she was and sarcastically mimed zipping her lips making Remus giggle quietly to himself.

"So guys" James started "We need to come up with a master plan" Ivy dramatically mimed a questioning look lifting her arms up, Sirius and Remus sniggering. "The plan to make Lily fall in love with me" James carried on.
"Come on prongs all you do is talk about her" Remus said cynically, Ivy nodded dramatically.
"Shush moony, so okay Ivy you're a girl" James said ignoring Remus. Ivy looked down her top and nodded. Sirius and Remus sniggered and Peter rolled his eyes. " Okay so you need to big me up to Lily ya know. Tell her of all my accomplishments and adventures" he said grinning widely.

"James I don't think getting out of doing your potions homework for 2 years in a row is an accomplishment" Remus said. Ivy motioned towards Remus and nodded as if to say "he's right you know".
"So Ivy what do you say?" James said. Ivy mimed dramatically as if she was replying before James kicked her leg.
"Hey!" Ivy yelped
"Come on Ivy what do you say?" James repeated.
"I guess but Lily's my friend I don't want to fuck her over."
"Come on Please!" James pleaded doing his best puppy eyes.
"Fine but this goes without saying James, hurt her in anyway and I'll bash you over the head with a tin of baked beans!" Ivy said glaring at him before standing up "I'm going to change bye bitches" and with that Ivy left.

"So Remus what's the plan?" Sirius asked earning a confused look from Remus. "About Ivy, is this going to be the year for you too"
"I told you Padfoot I don't like her and anyway wouldn't she be more suited for you I mean you guys have a lot in common" Remus said defensively
"Remus! You've liked her since first year why wouldn't she like you back!" Peter piped up.
"I have not!" Remus replied going red. 
"Well lets give you some tips" James said. 
"Ha! That's funny since you've been chasing after Lily since first year" Remus laughed
"I think that's  a case of the pot calling the kettle black mate" Peter said looking at Remus.
"So we'll call this plan delta, step one make an excuse to see her out of class, tutor her that's what they do in those shitty romantic books you like." Sirius advised. Remus sighed. "You can sigh all you want mardy bum but how many girls have you been with Remus, so step two yawn and put your arm around her but subtly like this" Sirius demonstrated the cheesy fake yawn technique on James sat next to him making Remus facepalm, holding the bridge of his nose.
"Oh Sirius!" James giggles in a fake high pitched girly voice
"Step three make the move! Ya know lean in stare into her eyes" Sirius carried on.
"Okay but theoretically what if she didn't need tutoring? She's smart Sirius."Remus said sighing.
"Well she's shit and defence against the dark arts and it just so happens you're actually alright at that Moony" Sirius said
"But still guys we just don't go together, how often do you see a punk go for a nerd and what if she doesn't like me back or step, whatever,fails or something!" Remus said
"Okay so you both like books I think she's more like you than she lets on mate, you need to calm your arse down. Also are you criticising my plan? Plan delta is 99.9% going to succeed" Sirius said. Remus cringed at Sirius' over confidence but was slightly envious.

"Remus!" Lily shouted slamming the compartment door open "you need to come the the prefects meeting!"
"Shit. Coming!" Remus said scrambling getting up.
"What have I missed" Ivy said grinning by the door wearing her Hufflepuff robes
"Nothing" Sirius said looking at Remus winking as he tried to shuffle past Ivy in the small corridor of the train.
"Hi Ivy" Lily said hugging the girl, lily wasn't exactly tall but was still taller than Ivy, Ivy standing around 5'2. "We'll catch up later we've got to go"
"Bye Lily" James shouted as Ivy sat down
"That was right down my ear James" Ivy said rubbing her pierced ear.

"So Remus, Ivy looked good" Lily said smirking at the boy, earning a small glare.
"I didn't notice" he awkwardly replied.
"Yea okay" She replied giggling.

Authors notes
so first chapter was it okay?
This probably won't be updated as much as "Are we mad?" Just because that's my primary focus at the moment. Thank you enjoy my pretties! 😂💜

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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