Jungkook's Log

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I stared at my watch as it hit 3 o' clock and stood up, neatly pressing my black apron and took a deep breach. I positioned myself behind the counter as if knowing what was about to come. Then after, the chimes rang as the door swung open and true enough I was right. Her gorgeous smiling face coming in every 3 o' clock in the afternoon has never failed to warm my heart ever since I met her.

I tried to keep my composure and remembered what Jimin hyung said earlier 'Stay calm Kook. Act natural like you've always been. You got this, don't worry.' I couldn't describe how nervous I was and had to take another deep breath as you approached the counter.

"Hey Noona! You seem cheerful today!" I think I greeted fairly normal seeing Jimin hyung giving a wink of approval from across the room.

"Hey Kook! Yeah I've been good so far. Hmm... What should I get this time?" She mumbled to herself.

Damn. She's so cute when your eyes squint and trying her hardest staring at the menu board even when I already wrote them large enough. I couldn't help but hold my laughter.

"I don't know Kook. How about you recommend something." Her confused face turned towards me.

"Hmm... I have a new special for next month it's called 'Esproberry Latte'. Would you like to try it? I would love to hear your thoughts before we start launching it next month." I offered.

"Really?! I get to try it first???" Her eyes widened in delight but her voice got too excited and loud so I had to shush her down.

"Ohh sorry. Alright, I'd love to have that! The name itself already sounds tasty." She beamed and went on to her usual spot by the window.

I rushed into making her latte. 'HER' latte. Since I specifically studied it's mix that would suit her taste. Though I am confident that I had made it really well, and have gained approval from my hyungs, I still feel anxious whether she might like it or not. My stomach was churning while preparing it. I separated a shot for Jimin hyung to taste it before serving it to you.

"This is already perfect Jungkook." Hyung patted my shoulder. "Relax, I'm sure she will like it... and I know your plan will work out too."

"Thanks hyung!" I let out a sigh of relief.

I reached inside my pocket and held out a small piece of paper with a note. A short yet heartfelt note of how I admire her more than a friend, more than a 'sister. She is everything. And I just want her to know that even when I'm certain that I don't have a chance.

I hid the note along with the napkins that I was about to serve her with and puffed my chest out moving on to your table.

"Here's your Esproberry Latte, Noona..." but just right before I placed the tray, I quickly withdrew the note as I felt too anxious to reveal my feelings, as I always have

'It's been a year Jungkookie. How long will you keep on hiding? You gotta take a chance and let her know.'

I could hear Jimin hyung's encouraging words again at the back of my head.

'I mean, who knows, she might have been feeling the same thing for you all along. If she doesn't then, well, friendship isn't a bad thing either. What matters is, you have to free yourself from hiding for this long.'

Hyung always seems to know what to say. But cold feet got in my way once again just like in my many attempts in the past. And this time was no different.

Yet again, I instantly decided to postpone my confession.

Her eyes followed my hands movement as I placed the glass on the table. I sat across her hugging the small tray on my chest as if it could shield me from this encounter as I wait for her reaction.

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