???: Hey! Cut it out!

???: Get the hell away!

???: Hey, you! Quit watching and do something!

Minori: You're such a weaker.

I said as I hold Midori in my arms when Midori was move back and forth as she cooing.

Ryuuichi: Um, I have a feeling you're not here to join, right?

???: Yeah, no duh. What is this? The poop club?

He said as he plug his nose with his fingers and his other hand was wave like a fan.

???: Do something about that stink already.

Ryuuichi was little bit an angry. He put the stink diaper in the pink pin of trash.

Ryuuichi: So, what are you doing here?

???: I don't like your tone.

Minori: Answer his question, you stupid red-head.

???: ...

He looked at me, but my little sister Mina was tugged my sleeve when I looked at her as I sing to spoke.

Minori: What is it, Mina~?

???: !?

Mina: Minori-neechan, can we read that one. I really like that one!

Minori: Cinderella? That's my favorite.

???: By the way, it looks like the only ones here are you, the poop factory and the space cadet.

Ryuuichi: Kotarou and Mina is just a little more laid-back than most people.

Minori: Agreed with Ryuu-kun.

Mina and Kotarou looked as each other.

???: You look after a cute little girl named Sawatari Midori here, right?

I gasp when I hold Midori as I spoke.

Minori: What do you want with Midori-chan?

???: Well, I mean...

???: I wanted a look at the face of my future daughter.

Ryuuichi: Uh?

Minoti: What?

Ryuuichi: But, um, you're wearing a uniform...

Ryuuichi: You're still a... a student, aren't you?

???: Yeah, I'm a second-year.

???: And from the looks of it, you two are still a first-year.

Inui: You can call me Inui-senpai.

Minori: I don't think so. Isn't Sawatari-sensei married already?

Inui: That's a minori detail.

Inui: Nothing matters in love, not even age.

Minori: What!

Ryuuichi: I don't think that's a minor detail at all!

Inui: Heh...

He chuckled.

Inui: Well, as you clearly have no romantic exprerience, it's natural that you wouldn't understand.

Gakuen Babysitters: Minori Aijima [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now