Taka: Sorry.

Takuma & Kazuma: We're sorry.

The poster paper land on Kotaro's head.

Yoshihito: What's this, now?

Yoshihito: Hey, Ryu, you made a recruitment poster?

Yoshihito: Let's have a look... "They are all cute kids. We're currently recruiting babysitters to join us."

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san, could you please take it off Kotaro's head first?

Yoshihito: Oh, yeah. Sure thing.

He said when he pull the poster paper off of Kotaro's head as Kotaro blinks his eyes.

Yoshihito: By the way, aren't you gonna put it up?

Yoshihito: You put a lot of effort into this.

Ryuuichi: The board was already pretty well covered.

Ryuuichi: There was no place left to put it.

Ryuuichi: And you're not allowed to put them up anywhere else...

Takuma: Lemme see!

Kazuma: Lemme... see...

Yoshihito: I guess it is that time of year...

He said when he sigh as Ryuuichi and I look at Usaida.

Yoshihito: In that case, when we go on our walk, why don't we look in on the other clubs?

Yoshihito: The high school ones, of course.

Ryuuichi & Minori: Eh?

Ryuuichi: Won't we be bothering them?

Yoshihito: Hey, it's no big deal.

Yoshihito: At this time of year, anyone's free to look in about any club.

Yoshihito: And it looks like the kids are raring to go.

Taka: I... I wanna see baseball!

Kirin: I wanna see my mama's club!

Takuma: Wanna see!

Kazuma: Wanna... see...

Yoshihito: Okay, we're off!

Kids: Yay!

Ryuuichi: W-Wait a minute, Usaida-san!

Ryuuichi: We'll come with you!

Minori's Mind: Oh no! I forgot to tell them about good new!

I look at Ryuuichi cause he grabs my hand to followed them before he put the poster paper into his pocket. In the hallways, everyone looked at them.

Yoshihito: Since we're walking around today, make sure you all hold hands.

Kids: Okay!

Taka: Time for a parade!

They holds a hands.

Kirin: One, two...

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