thirty two

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chapter thirty-two !
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┌                                                    ┐ chapter thirty-two !└                                                     ┘

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Luna had lost count after the third bottle of beer. Her emotionless eyes followed the movement of the city below her, she continuously tapped the edge of the rooftop with her free hand and enjoyed the silence of the aura that always seemed to be around her.

The sound of steps made her turn her face at the sudden interruption of her thoughts, with the corner of her eyes she identified Harry's silhouette as he walked closer to her with his own bottle of cold beer in his pale hand. He stood next to her in silence and rested his arms over the edge, his arm rose hers and she returned her attention to the view in front of them.

"I'm sorry."

The girl took a small sip of her bottle. "It's fine, he had to find out someday." A shaky sigh left her lips. "It's fine."

"You don't have to pretend with me. You know that, right?"

"I'm not pretending. If I said that it's fine it's because it is fine. He's safe and that's all I want. Him not talking to me will keep him safe from Otto."

"And you?" Harry placed his beer down and fully faced the brunette. "Do you want to be safe from him?"

"It doesn't matter anymore." Luna shrugged. "I'm ready, if he comes, I'll be ready. I'm the Wraith, aren't I?"

"Luna..." The boy closed his eyes and shook his head. "Stop building barriers around yourself, we all want the best for you."

She looked down at her boots and sucked in a long breath, the beer was now forgotten as she embraced herself with her thin arms. Her eyes scanned the view, then met Harry's. His eyes looked exactly the same way they did when Luna left him a few years back, the same trace of sadness and preoccupation hid in them. It made her heart sink to the floor.

"I loved⏤ I love him. God, I love him so much that it physically hurts." She threw her head back, tears threatening to leave her already puffy eyes. "I don't think I've ever loved anyone this much⏤" Her eyes widened as she looked back at Harry, who eyed his bottle with a sad smile.

"I know." He nodded. "Luna, what we have⏤had, was very special for me. I loved you a lot, you know that? But as time passed, I came to the realization that it was simply a platonic type of love. I admired very much, and that's why I felt so obligated with myself to protect you, to always be around you." She looked away to take a quick sip of her bottle. "But... what you and Peter had... Damn."

The pair chuckled. "You're going to make me cry." Luna smiled with sadness as she sniffled quietly.

"The love you two radiated could be felt from miles away, it was pure. Innocent." He continued. "A love like that can't end that easily."

"Yeah, well..." She raised her eyebrows and placed both of her hands around the bottle, her fingers anxiously ripping the label. "It happened. Another destroyed relationship."

"Another?" Harry repeated, tilting his head. "There's another one?"

"Ours? Remember? It was pretty chaotic, please don't make me reenact it to you."

"Well, I'm here, aren't I? If it really was destroyed I wouldn't have let you in that day you showed up at my party with Peter." A ghost of a smile crossed Luna's face, the boy scooted closer. "I'm still your friend, Luna. No matter what happened between us, the mistakes we made, I still see you as one of my best friends."

Shyly, he placed his hand on top of hers. "Well, you made me want to strangle you a few times but the feeling is mutual, Osborn."

"Osborn, I see we're back to the last name basis..." He laughed, the sound made Luna smile faintly. He paused. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Hopefully." Luna sighed. "Right now my mind is running with a lot of thoughts I can't concentrate well. There's a lot going on."

"I know. But we're here for you, Luna. You don't have to handle everything all by yourself, remember that you have me and MJ, and your cousin."

The brunette nodded shortly and took a quick breath, she held it for a few seconds and let it go, steam coming out of her lips. She closed her eyes and took the last sip of beer before turning to meet Harry's gaze.

"When I was in La Noche, there was this guy. He was so cool that called himself Sony, he was the oldest from the group. He was a star, you know? He shined every time he was on stage, and anyone could think that he was arrogant because of it, but quite the contrary... he was the only one who stood up against Otto to protect us, you know, the little ones."

"What happened to him?"

Luna's shoulders tensed. "I don't know. After we all ran away everyone separated." She frowned. "But his little brother, Jae, escaped with my group." A nostalgic smile took over her features. "We were together for a few months before my father adopted me and then Leo, I don't know what happened to the Park brothers. But, man, I had the biggest crush on both of them. I think we all were a little in love with them."

Harry chuckled incredulously. "Are you serious?"

"What? They were cool." She shrugged. "Honestly, though, Sony was one of a kind. He always came over during our practices to check that Otto wouldn't treat us bad, even if he had to rest he visited us anyway. Jae, too. He was just a year older than me but still acted very mature, they were both very mature for their age, and amazing trapeze artists. "

"Sounds badass, if I had to get up on that thing I'd probably faint."

"I wouldn't doubt it." Luna smiled. "You've always been scaredy cat, Harry."

"Well, excuse me, Miss Reckless for not being brave like you." The pair laughed quietly. "Alright, but in all honesty, I would've also had a crush on these Sony and Jae guys."

"Yeah, I wish I knew where they are right now. Hopefully somewhere safe and peaceful."

"Do you think Otto is after them too?"

Luna shook her head, eyes lost in the city in front of them. "He's after me because I'm his daughter, I'm the precious one." She rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't born with these... abilities."

"They make you you, though. Have you ever thought about how well they match your personality?"

"Now you're talking nonsense."

"I'm serious, Luna. You heal people with your selflessness and empathy, but when wronged you can be very lethal. You're loyal and kind but dangerous at the same time, it's a fascinating quality."

"Harry..." She covered her face with a hand. "Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve someone like you." A short silence lingered between them. "I⏤I'm sorry for doubting you."

The boy held her hand and squeezed it three times with a smile, a bright and sincere smile that made Luna think that maybe everything would be alright after all.

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author's note !⠀⠀
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i know this chapter seems like a filler but i actually isn't bc
a) u can see a different side of luna n harry's friendship
b) it kinda foreshadows the appearance of a new character omg you'll see soon!!

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