The spare room was fairly small, with two single beds, a dresser and a lamp. As the twins went to bed, they quietly said goodnight, and both fell asleep as soon as they hit the pillow.

The next morning when Harry awoke, he saw Emily in the bed opposite, curled up fast asleep, looking very cute and younger than she actually was. He was glad, first because he was sure he dreamed it all up, that he was a wizard and all that, and second, because he had a sister! He had some family other than the Dursleys! He had never been happier than this moment. It was strange to know that he had someone all along, but he was looking forward to getting to know her, and hoped they'd be very close one day.

He saw Emily moved slightly, before he heard her yawn. She stretched, then sat up, smiling at Harry. "Morning Emily, shall we go find Hagrid? He said we were going to get our school stuff today!" He asked his twin excitedly, who nodded and jumped out of bed.

They found Hagrid in the kitchen, making breakfast. "Mornin' you two. Its sausage and egg for breakfast. Sit down, I'll bring it over for yeh." They say obediently and moments later the plates were set in front of them. They opened their eyes in awe at the food before them, before devouring the plateful, savouring it all. Never had they had that much for one meal before, especially not breakfast! They thanked Hagrid, and went to get ready for the day.

A few hours later they stood in front of the leaky cauldron. Walking in everyone looked over staring. "Look, it's the Potter twins!" one man shouted, staggering to his feet and rushing over to shake their hands, "Dedalus Diggle, honoured to meet to at last." Many people joined him, saying similar things, until they got to the bar. "Must get along, lots to buy," Hagrid said loudly, pushing his way through the crowd, Harry and Emily in close pursuit. They got to the back of the pub and out the back door. "Hagrid, why do all of those people know who we are?" Harry asked curiously. Hagrid shushed him for a moment, then took out his pink umbrella and tapped 3 bricks of the wall in front of him. The wall suddenly began to rearrange itself, so there was a space large enough for a door to fit there. Walking through Hagrid replied, "I dunno if I'm the right person to tell you. Anyway, welcome to Diagon Alley!" then added, "you both got your letters?" They nodded and took them out.

Hagrid took them to the Gringotts, the wizard bank, first. The twins looked around, trying not to stare at the Goblins that ran the bank. They barely heard Hagrid talking to one of them. "I have their keys 'ere. Also I got a letter from Dumbledore, about the you-know-what in vault 713." The twins looked at each other then, wondering what it was all about, as the Goblin nodded, scanning over the letter quickly. "Very well. Griphook will take you to the two vaults." He said as another Goblin, who must be Griphook, as he began to lead them away, came over. He sat them in a cart, which whooshed down the seemingly never ending tunnels. Soon they stopped. "Vault 638. Key please" Griphook announced as Hagrid handed over the key looking queasy.

He unlocked the vault and stood back, allowing Harry and Emily to go into their vault, followed by Hagrid. They couldn't believe their eyes! In front of them were piles upon piles of gold, silver and bronze coins, along with a chest which Hagrid told them was filled with some of their parent's possessions. Hagrid gave them a money pouch each and told them to fill it, so they'd definitely have enough money for the year, as well as their purchases today. "On to the next vault then please Griphook," Hagrid said as they sat back in the cart. Once they got to vault 713, Hagrid told Harry and Emily to stay where they were and went into the vault. Seconds later he was back in the cart. "Let's get outta here, I hate these ruddy carts," Hagrid said.

Once they were out of Gringotts, the twins went to get their robes, Hagrid disappearing off to the leaky cauldron as he wasn't feeling too well after the ride on the cart.

"Hogwarts, dears? In you come, just over there please, there's another boy being fitted for Hogwarts as well." They walked to the back of the room, and Harry stood on one of the stools, where they saw a pale, blonde boy, getting measured for his robes. "Hello, know what house you'll be in?" when they shook their heads the boy continued, "I know I'm going to be in Slytherin, my whole family has. I think I'd leave if I was put into Hufflepuff, wouldn't you? My god, look at that man!" Emily turned and saw Hagrid outside smiling holding three ice-creams. She had to smile, "that's Hagrid, he's gamekeeper at Hogwarts. He's really great." The women told Emily to stand on the stool which Harry and jumped off of as he was done. "Yes, I was told he's like a servant. Why are you with him anyway? Where are your parents?" The pale boy asked. Harry decided he didn't really like the boy.

"Our parents are dead," Harry replied quietly.

"Oh sorry," the boy said, not sounding sorry at all, then added, "They were our kind though weren't they? I don't think they should allow the others in."

Emily scowled, "They were witch and wizard if that's what you mean."

"What's your surname anyway?" the boy went on. They were about to reply when the woman gave them their robes telling them she was done. "See you at Hogwarts then." The boy exclaimed, as the twins walked out of the shop.

After an hour of walking around they had been to most of the shops. "All we need now is yer wands. You mind going yerselves? I gotta quickly go somewhere, won't be long. I'll meet yeh there." With that Hagrid walked off, leaving them to enter the dark wand shop alone. They were very close already and took each other's hand before they walked in.

Mr Olivander turned out to be a nice old man, who had sold wands nearly all his life. After what seemed like a million wands each they had tried out they still hadn't got their wands. "Wait here, let me see..." Mr Olivander said and came back with two black boxes, "I wonder," he muttered to himself taking out the first wand and giving it to Harry, "Holly and phoenix feather, 11inches, try that." Then he turned to Emily as red and gold sparks flew out of Harry's wand, "Maple and phoenix feather, 9 and a half inches." The handed the wand to Emily who gasped as green and red sparks flew out. "Curious, very curious" Mr Olivander muttered, as they paid for their wands.

"Excuse me sir, what's curious?" Emily asked.

"Well the phoenix that gave you two the feathers for your wands, gave another, one other. It's curious that you are destined for these wands when their brother, gave you your scars."

Harry thanked the wand master for the wands and they left the shop, where they found Hagrid walking over to them carrying two cages, containing owls, one snowy white and the other white with black speckles. "Happy Birthday you two! Hope you like them. Did yeh get yer wand then?" They nodded. Hagrid took them to the station to get on the train to take them to the Dursleys. "Alright Harry, here's a letter for 'em explaining why Emily's with yeh. She'll be staying with you now. Here are your tickets, don't lose 'em. And you're Hogwarts ones. The train leaves at 11am on September 1st. I'd come with yeh to the Dursley's but I've gotta see Professor Dumbledore. I'll see yeh at Hogwarts." And with that he turned and walked away. Once they were on the train to Little Whinging, Emily looked at her Hogwarts ticket. "Umm...Harry?" Emily said, hesitantly, "I think there's a slight problem."

"What?" Harry replied curiously.

"We've got to go to platform 9 and 3/4 to get the train to Hogwarts. There's no such thing. Is there?"

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