∅ - The Beginning of a Storm

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I think...

...the rain started a year after that


came to live with us.

I remember hearing the old ladies
who lived nearby
chatter away
about the rain.

"D'ye think it'll stop soon?"

"Weatherman says a few more days..."

A few more days came

and went.

Still it  r a i n e d .

I remember one day
I got home and nobody was there.

I remember I ran straight to my room and hid in the closet.

I remember I prayed

as hard as I could

that the rain would stop.

that the monster would leave.

And never come back.

But the rain continued.

And he came home with my mother.


My heart screeched.

"...welcome home, Dad."

Rain [CPN] - IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now