Halfway through the movie, they were laughing hysterically at Veronica trying to do the impressions of the characters. She knew all the lines just like she'd said but her voices were so bad it was beyond comical.

As she started a new impersonation the door to the trailer opened and FP walked through the doors.

"Hey Betty what are you doing-" he turned to face the living room. "...you're not Betty I'm so sorry. Who's your friend Jug?" he asked with a quirk in his brow.

"This is Ver-"

"Veronica Lodge nice to meet you, sir." Veronica stood up and walked over to FP with her hand out to shake. Very New York of her. Always gotta be proper to adults and people you don't know.

As soon as she said her name the look on FP's face said it all. He knew.

"You two have fun. I'm going to bed goodnight Jug and nice to meet you Veronica." with that he walked down the hall and into a room.

"I should be going home." Veronica placed the blanket down on the couch trying to make her way to the door.

"Veronica as much as I hate you I'm not letting you walk home. It's almost two in the morning and it would be on me if you got murdered. We don't need another one of those on our hands. Well finish the movie and you can have the couch for the night. You can even leave before I get up." Jughead smiled at her. He made a good argument she really didn't wanna get murdered so she sat back down.

It had been three weeks since she showed up at his trailer. They became better friends realizing they had a lot more in common than dating each other's best friends and criminal fathers.

They hung out more when Betty and Archie decided to be the goody-goody small townsfolk who go home before sunset and get in bed by nine each night. Neither of them was ever cut out for that kind of life.

They got along and it didn't go unnoticed by the group. That's why it came as a shock to most the day they heard the screaming match between the two raven-haired teens. No one knew what about all they knew was it had to be broken up before things got violent.

"This ain't over Jones!" Veronica yelled over Archie who was dragging her out of the student lounge.

"Can't wait princess!" he fires back never turning around. Betty followed behind knowing better than to get physical like Archie did

"What the hell Jug? You and Veronica have been good lately what happened?" Betty asked sounding tired.

"She did. We don't get along I don't know why we tried in the first place. It was a stupid idea." He yelled it, not at Betty just in general.


"No, forget it. It's fine don't worry about it. We'll go back to hating each other and it'll be fine, good as new." with that he stormed off.

Betty found Archie by himself obviously left behind by Veronica.

In the silence, all she could hear were screams, his screams. 'I don't love you, Veronica, I don't even like you. Get over it.'

It started as an argument over some movie they both loved and within minutes ended with them both screaming their joint hatred for one another. She knew she shouldn't care about him not loving her, after all, she loved Archie, but she felt a knife going deeper and deeper into her chest every time she recited those words in her head.

She threw some jabs herself about her hatred for him but she was the only one who knew they were lies. She's good at that. Lies, that's all her life was at that point. What was worse, the only person she wanted to go to, to talk to, was the person she was mad at. He was beginning to ruin her life.

She went back to school the next day like nothing was wrong like her mind wasn't being ripped apart with every memory of that fight.

"Hey V." Betty appeared by her side as she walked down the hall. "We haven't seen each other or hung out in so long so I was thinking that we could hang today. Just us." Her smile was so wide and eyes so hopeful she couldn't say no.

"Of course B. When and where?" She looked at her best friend properly for the first time in weeks.

"I was thinking Pop's after school. We could just talk and catch up. I feel like I don't know what's going on in your life anymore." Veronica's only thought was 'you wouldn't want to know the truth'

"Great see you then." She walked off with a smile into the classroom thankful for time to think about how to not talk about Jughead, the person that took up most of her time for the past couple of weeks.

Jughead sat at his desk brooding as he normally does when Archie approached him.

"Pop's. Today. You're coming." Archie leaned his hands on the desk as he spoke. "and before you say anything you don't get to say no." Jughead just looked at him.

"you buying?" he asked bluntly.

"If it gets you there then yeah. I'll buy you whatever you want...... within reason!" Jughead laughed at the last part. Everyone knows he can't say no to free food. Jughead nodded his head and Archie walked off back to his football buddies he's been spending more and more time with.

Jughead couldn't think why Archie wanted him to go so bad and for a brief second worried he'd have to deal with the football guys but that was squashed when he overheard their plans.

Well, shit sorry for the hope then the back peddle so fast oh well.

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