It Ain't Gonna Get You Anywhere

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" It might be your dad," Rebekah slurred. " The doors locked, an' he.. he can't get in." But really, Rebekah was thinking it could be someone else.. She'd never tell Kade that- even with the spirits still roaming around her body.

" Just leave it," he pushed, and wobbled over to Barr that was opened in his living room.

The door hadn't rang again away.

Rebekah listened, sitting back down on the floor for some reason, but she could feel those dark eyes of Kade's on her. He'd acted so strange these past few days. Less angry. Not happy by any means. But less angry. It wasn't as easy for Rebekah to see emotion within Kade like it was with Ethan, which is the reason she assumed he didn't have ordinary feelings like any other.

Well, of course he didn't. He'd murdered someone, and not lost a wink of sleep at night.

So she thought..

Rebekah was knocked from her minds ideas by something being shoved towards her, and when she brought her sunken eyes up, Kade was swaying side to side, holding two cups of Gin in his hands.

Rebekah took one, giving him a sloppy smile, and quickly brought the cup to her lips. Surprisingly, Kade sat down next to her on the ground. The room was still black, and it seemed too closed in for just the two of them.

Kade slid a bit more closer to her, his eyes wandering around, and Rebekah's mind was clueless. She knew he was about to say something, but he was too near for even the comfort of her current state.

" Rebekah, I need- " but he was cut off by noise, and Rebekah and Kade's ears twitched at the sound of the door being messed with, and Rebekah got back up off the floor again at the sound- almost in a hurry. Kade did the same, like he wasn't allowed to be near her.

" I said leave it," Kade repeated, his voice was much louder and demanding this time.

Old Kade again.

Or was he acting up because he knew someone was there?

Rebekah had stepped closer to the living room door, by the time he'd said this, but it didn't matter because whoever was there had opened the door with a key; she could hear the jingling of the key rings clashing together, and then the low creak of the door opening.

She whipped her head back to Kade, and his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. Rebekah knew hers was the same, and when she turned back around, her heart was knocked into her ribcage at the sight of Ethan in front of her, and she felt it sink like a deflated balloon into her stomach.

He was dangling a set of keys between his fingers, and his green eyes latched onto Rebekah's; she was right in front of him. So close. A little too close. Rebekah noticed that hint of emotion in his eyes in that second they shared off eye contact, but Rebekah watched as the balls in his sockets roamed down to her half naked body, and his expression now appeared disgusted, but sadly disgusted at the sight of her. Almost like he couldn't believe this.

He reached eyes with her again, and Rebekah felt like she couldn't breathe. The sight of him making her feel this way that she didn't want to feel. The way she'd finally admitted she did. That way caused her to also feel nauseous and not okay. But their moment was broken into two by the big bad Monster who prevented her from opening up. Kade always appeared The Monster when Ethan was around.

" What are you doing here?" Kade slurred.

Ethan tore his eyes from Rebekah's, a flat expression on his face, and it seemed like he'd teared a piece of Rebekah's heart whilst doing so. " What am I doing here?" Ethan repeated, raising a brow. " Where have you been for three days?"

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