The beginning of a new story

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who am I? my name is silence but you can call me SI, it seems more manly, I think?

Why writing

All my life I wished to be many thing but my passion had remained expressing myself on pen on paper and yes for someone as young as myself it may seem a little to nerdy but it's true. poetry, blogs, short stories, essays are all examples of what I love most about literature and when it comes to expression there my best friends.


I am a very antisocial but social person. As of recently I've realized I may be bisexual so please take this as a warning if you are "those people". I love football, reading, music, TV shows and I am currently studying business in college. I love to exercise and sleep(lots of it ) and I am what people would call a waste of food( because I eat plenty everyday but I am allergic to getting fat)

what I expect

I hope by starting this book I can share my stories and poetry etc. and also open a portal for writers needing to talk privately or publicly. I don't only plan to advertise m own works but the works of others as well( and don't worry am not one to take credit for the work of others )

message me/comment and lets get this on the roll ;-)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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