Chapter One

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It was one of those deceitfully pleasant days. The kind that lulls you into a false sense of peace, throwing in cotton candy clouds and birdsong just for good measure.

You think I'd know better by now.

"Wow. The sun's out on July. What are the odds." Jun grumbled, clambering lithely onto one of the stone table conveniently situated underneath the shade of tree. "Its probably somewhere up there with expecting my father to announce he's proud of his one and only son being gay when he finds out. Highly unlikely."

I grabbed his proffered hand and allowed myself to be hauled up. "Ten points to Slytherin, Dobby Downer."

"I think its Debbie Downer, Ash."

"I was making a Harry Potter reference, you uncultured plebeian."

"I only ever watched those films cause, you know- Edward Cullen." He sighed dreamily.

"Cedric Diggory."

"Ugh. Stop being such a Ravenfang."


He snickered. "Is that the house for know-it-alls? Cause I'm totally sorting you into that one."

He laid himself down and stretched like a cat. Jeon Jihyun is the kind of person that you can always expect to look good, even when he's doing something as mundane as stretching. He kinda reminds me of Troye Sivan. A half Korean, half Filipino Troye Sivan with uptilted dark eyes and darker hair.

"It's so boring." He groaned.

I crossed my designer boots clad feet. "We could make out."

"Right here."

"What? Its comfy."

Jun snorted and turned his head to the other occupants of the freedom park. Our unsuspecting audience-to-be. It was lunch break. The cafeteria was already full to the brim, and there were more than the usual number of students on the outdoor tables. The only reason we had this lovely spot all to ourselves, is, well- I'm Aislinn (Ash-leen McElroy and he's Jeon Jihyun. Names that carry weight, even in this shallow, ruthless world of high school popularity. Much as I claim to abhor it, notoriety does have it perks.

"Yeaaaaah. Give it three seconds and BOOM! Suddenly you're in a soft core porn video on every Smartphone in the campus."

"If we're really lucky someone would sell it to some tacky tabloid." I said. "Or even the press! Imagine the possibilities."

"My father would faint from relief."

"And mine would have conniptions."

"Holy shit." He breathed out, eyes bright with excitement. "Let's do it!"

I snorted. "Like you would."

"I totally would."



I threw him an amused look. "You know I was kidding right?"

His mouth dropped open. "Nooooo." He propped himself up on one elbow and assumed a dramatic pose that would have been more at home in one of those classical paintings with their lounging half-nude models. "My hopes and dreams. Dashed in one callous jest!"

"Very moving." I said, grinning. "And would have been more convincing if only I can stop remembering you slobbering all over that topless Chris Hemsworth cut out."

"You lie." He gave a theatrical gasp.

"Nope. I specifically remember you ordering it online. Amazon, I think?"

Captivating (The McElroy Duology, #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon