First Arts (10/19/18)

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Well, I only managed to do these two for the week. Weeee....

In another world: Khan Sheelal and Khanaa Kummar

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In another world: Khan Sheelal and Khanaa Kummar. I really like this one. The hard part to do for me is keeping Qymaen's tusks in perspective, considering that his head is supposed to be tilted backward since he's kissing his love Ronderu....😍😚

Tip: When drawing kisses, the people kissing usually have their heads tilted in opposite directions. To do this, I made this outline for their heads:

 To do this, I made this outline for their heads:

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The red line marks where their eyes should be. The tricky part is adjusting the rest of the features to match this, especially since Kaleesh have scales under their eyes and 2 tusks (if we're drawing this from the side view) to take into account.

Qymaen jai-Sheelal, aka General Grievous, under his mask after the explosion

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Qymaen jai-Sheelal, aka General Grievous, under his mask after the explosion. I forgot to color in the vocalizer, but I overall had a fun time drawing this. The symmetry setting saved my hide on this one, especially since I traced the mask (hehe). I headcannoned how he looks beneath his mask since nobody really knows in the canon - closest thing we got was in "Lair of Grievous" when Ay-Four-Dee was replacing his scorched mask. 😓

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