Kairi/Tsukasa (Lupinranger vs Patoranger)

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*It was 8:54 PM. Tsukasa was walking home very tired from a long day at the office. As she was walking she noticed that Kairi was sitting on a bench alone staring at his phone. She started walking up to him. Kairi was staring at a picture of him and his brother.*

Tsukasa: Kairi-

*Kairi jumped a little and looked up*

Kairi: Oh it's just you Tsukasa.

*Kairi put his phone in his pocket. Tsukasa smiled a little bit*

Tsukasa: Who did you think I was?

Kairi: I don't know. I just got startled.

Tsukasa: Sorry.

Kairi: It's fine.

*Kairi smiled. Tsukasa sat next to him*

Tsukasa: What are you doing out here alone at this time of night?

Kairi: I should be asking you the same question.

*Kairi grinned. Tsukasa looked down smiling*

Tsukasa: Long day at work.

Kairi: Ah, I'm just out here because I want to be.

*Tsukasa looked at Kairis face. She could tell by the expression on his face that something was wrong*

Tsukasa: What's the real reason?

*Kairi looked down. There was silence for 4 seconds until Kairi stood up*

Kairi: Someone very special to me died last year. To this day I still miss them.

Tsukasa: Kairi, I'm so sorry.

Kairi: I always been annoyed by this person because he was always around me. It got harder and harder to be around him. And then...one day...

*Kairi remembered touching the ice his brother was frozen in. The ice suddenly shattered with his brother in it*

Tsukasa: Kairi...

*Tsukasa stood up*

Kairi: It's all my fault. 

Tsukasa: Kairi, it's not your fault.

*Kairi looked down*

Kairi: I'm going to get him back. I swear.

Tsukasa: I know what you're going through right now. And as you said it's been going on since last year. Kairi, I know it's hard but you have you have to accept the fact he's gone.

*Kairi stayed silent. Tsukasa hugged him*

Tsukasa: If you ever need to talk to someone let me know. Okay?

Kairi: Okay.

*Tsukasa smiled and let go of him. Kairi smiled a little bit*

Kairi: Thankyou Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: You're welcome Kairi. Anytime.

*Kairi smiled. Tsukasa smiled and walked away. Kairi sat back down still with a smile on his face*

*The End...*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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