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The Princess of Albion, Walter, Ben Finn and Page surrounded the map table located within the Bowerstone Resistance. They discussed the matter of gaining more revolutionaries to subjugate her unjust brother - King Logan of Albion.

It had been just moments after discussing the matter of the execution of Swift due to treason. They were all devastated, especially Walter and Ben - both seemed closer to Swift than Page or the Princess did. Walter spoke of the man as being noble for his actions, allowing himself to die so the Bowerstone Resistance wasn't revealed to Logan.

"It was just a matter of time before Logan did this. Before he decided to hunt us down. We have to fight back," Page spoke, a lust for revenge in her eyes. She seemed tense and angry, both her hands clamped on the edge of the map table.

"We are not ready though. We need more allies. And thanks to Swift's efforts, we know exactly where to look," a serious expression on his face. Walter had always been a somewhat serious man, although he had some traits which contrasted that. In the current moment, albeit, Walter had seemed more serious than usual.

"Before he was executed, the Major managed to send us a message," Ben spoke.

"A soldier still loyal to the old guard brought it to me, at great risk of his life," Walter continued from Ben's words. The fact that Walter also thought this soldier as noble was evident amongst his speech.

"What does it say?" the Princess asked.

"Well, this is Swiftie we're talking about, so it's rather straightforward," Ben said in his laidback manner. "'You will find allies in Aurora.'"

The expression on Page's face was a confused one. "I still don't understand how anyone there could help us. Aurora is a dead land. There's nothing there."

"Or at least, that's what we've been told. It's still the only lead we have anyway," Walter spoke, knowing that they needed to do all they could to defeat Logan.

Ben huffed a little, somewhat bored of the conversation. This act reminded the Princess a little of Reaver, although she dismissed the notion immediately, knowing that Ben was just a sarcastic, somewhat silly man and Reaver was a villainous, manipulative man.

His boredness was especially revealed when he said "Can we get on with the plan?! I have an overwhelming urge to shoot someone!" Another thing that reminded the Princess a little of Reaver, although she knew Ben didn't mean this in the way that Reaver would have. Reaver killed people for little-to-no reason, most of the time. Simply out of his own pleasure and entertainment. Ben wanted to kill to assist in the revolution.

"First thing, we'll need a ship," Walter said matter-of-factly. "You and Ben will get a hold of one, while Page and I make sure the rest of the fleet doesn't follow."

"You'll need to go via the backalleys. And they'll be crawling with soldiers," Page spoke. She was familiar with Bowerstone, especially the industrial part of it.

"Not a problem, I know my way around the place," Ben replied, he then turned to the Princess. "I'll meet you at the back of the sewers. We're going to show Logan just what traitors can do."

"Go on," Page encouraged. "My men are putting together the materials we'll need. It should be quite a display."

Ben and the Princess began to move. Just as they did, Walter spoke.

"Aurora is a distant place, it could be a while before we return. If there's things you need to do, now's the time."

Both Ben and the Princess moved towards an exit out of the Bowerstone Resistance headquarters. They needed to be successful in what they were about to do, or gaining more allies could be more difficult than need be.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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