Chapter 2

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Bella got to her house. Her parents worked late so they wouldn't be home till around 7:00pm. She Immediately went to her room and changed out of her clothes into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Bring! Bella's phone vibrated, alarming her that Someone wanted to call her. It was James, she picked it up and answered it. "Hey, I'm here at your house. Your door is unlock it." James said.
"Oh oops doing that right now." Bella hung up the phone. She went down stairs and unlocked the door for James.
"Come on. I need to show you something." Bella said. She went back up into her room, James following.

She sat down on her bed crisscrossed and james sat on the edge. "Okay so some guy during school, he bumped into me, hard. Like he meant to, and it hurt more through the day." Bella said.
"You already told me this." James chuckled. "Let me get to it. When you said check in the bathroom and I did..." Bella lifted her shirt sleeve up to show the blue cracks in her arm. "Woah. Umm, that's not good. We need to go to the doctors." James stood up and put his hands on his head.
"No, James. This looks like alien stuff, we do live in a world where there are aliens?" Bella said.
"Who else are we gonna get the help from?" James raised his voice a little.
"what if it kills you, we can't let that happen!" "And we aren't gonna let it happen. We dont know anything about this, thing, don't jump to death quite yet." Bella walked up to James. They both stared at each other, neither knowing what to say.

Then the door bell rang. "Oh. I forgot I invited Hailey over." Bella said in slightly angry voice, she wasn't mad a Hailey. She was just stressed over the blue thing in her arm. James nodded. The two of them went down stairs to get the door. Bella opened the door. "Hey Hailey. You remember James right?" Bella said. "Of course I remember James." Hailey said, she waved James. Bella almost laughed because james had to be about six inches taller than Hailey. Hailey had brown hair, and brown eyes, Bella always thought brown eyes were cool, they were calm and reminded her of autumn. And James had blonde hair with blue eyes. And again much taller than Hailey. Blue eyes were cool too. They were very dramatic and lively. What Bella didn't notice was that she didn't roll her sleeve down the whole way, so the blue was sticking out. Hailey noticed, you could see the shock in her eyes. "Bella can I talk to you in private?" Hailey in a slight strict tone.
"Yeah sure" Bella said. Hailey went to the kitchen hoping James couldn't hear them.
"Do you know what that is in your arm? Who put it there?" Hailey whispered. "No I don't and no I don't know. But it seems like you do?" Bella said, Confused.
"It's complicated, but we need to get you to my house." Hailey said.
"Why?" Bella asked
"It's complicated." Hailey said again, "just please trust me?"
"Okay, Weirdo. But what about James, can he come?"
"No. Only us two."

Bella and Hailey walked over to James standing near the door. "Hey, would you-,me and Hailey kinda want to catch up with each other-." Bella was cut off by James. "Oh yeah of course, I should get going anyways." James said as he checked his watch and his wrist. Bella mouthed thank you, and James waved goodbye and shut the door. "How do we get to your house? Walk?" Bella asked.
"Well no. And we aren't really going to my house."
"Are we staying here?" Bella made nervous laugh.
"Bella I need to explain something to you."

"What's in your arm is dangerous and will kill you if we don't get it out of your arm in time. Trust me, please." Hailey said. Right on queue Bella's vain's started to glow blue. "We need to get you to S.H.I.E.L.D. Right now!" Hailey insisted. She took a few steps away from Bella and muttered something.
"S.H.I.E.L.D? The terrorist organization? You are not bringing me there."
"They aren't terrorists, Hydra yes, S.H.I.E.L.D. no."
"Same thing"

"It's not. The plane should arrive any second."
"I'm not going on a plane! Hear me? Tell me what's going on?"
"Okay fine. That thing in your arm? It kills in-humans, somehow who ever put it in your arm knew you were a inhuman, and is trying to kill you." Hailey snapped. In the background trees russles, the plane was arriving.
"But I'm not an in-human, I don't have powers?" Bella shouted over the plane right outside her door.
"No technically your not. You have Cree blood in you, so you can be an in-human. We still don't have a name for what ever is in your arm, but it will burn all your blood, dissolve actually." Hailey yelled. "C'mon we need to go."

"No, I'm not going. Going on that ship in pretty much suicide." Bella replied. Hailey muttered something under her breath again, this time it looked like she was taking into those things that cops use to report back to the rest of the cops. Then Hailey nodded."Got it." She replied to whoever she was talking to on the mic, then turned towards me. "Don't make me do this the hard way." Hailey pulled out a gun. It didn't look completely like a gun it looked thicker than a real gun.
"What? You're gonna kill me?" Bella said sarcastically, it was probably not a good time to say that since she had a gun but she'd rather those be her last words than have anything to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.
A helicopter landed outside Bella's house getting louder and louder

"No. This is an Icer, it makes you unconscious. I'm just trying to help. Please get on the helicopter !" Hailey boomed. "No." Bella said. She didn't raise her voice but Hailey could read her lips. Hailey took a long sigh and gripped her tigger on the Icer.
"No!" A muffled voice screamed from behind Hailey. James. Bella could notice that voice from a mile away. Hailey turned back to the voice then back to Bella. "James!" Bella shrieked, Bella tried to run for the window where she heard James. Hailey had no other choice but to pull the trigger.

James heard the sound of a bullet, he didn't know it was an Icer. All he knew it was a regular gun. James ran to the front door and started to bang on it and scream at Hailey. Some girl, probably in her mid-twenties, with short brown hair came and pulled James off the plane. She had to restrain his arms from punching. "Get off me!" James tried to elbow her but it didn't work very well. The girl pushed him to the ground. She raised her hand above James's body. Ripples of wind were coming from her hand, making it impossible to move. She tried to yell something but he didn't hear it, a combination of the plane and he really didn't care what she said. She lifted James up and put hand cuffs on his wrists. "She's not dead, I promise." The girl said. " wha-." James tried to talk but he felt numb.

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