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No living soul watched as I pedaled through the deserted streets. The strap of my helmet rubbed uncomfortably against my neck, like bony fingers trying to strangle me. I climbed the driveway leading to my condo, so steep it seemed as if I wasn't welcome. I tied my bike to the rusty gate and walked to my front door while my footsteps echoed on the stone floor. I tried the rusty handle, but the door was locked. My mom must have gone out with friends, leaving me alone. I circled around the house to the back door, there I lifted one of the dozens of pots, growing nothing but the blanched corpses of dead flowers, revealing the shiny spare key, which stood out against the mud and weeds.

I entered via the rotting back door and set my heavy bag down next to my desk with a thump, breaking the eerie silence that dwelled in the house. I ate a quick snack to appease the hunger clawing at my guts and slowly walked up the dusty stairwell, each step creaking under my weight.

The depressing door leading to my room was speckled with scratch marks and carvings left by previous house owners. I pushed it open, my breathing the only sound that could be heard and was yet again greeted by the scent of dust and broken memories that would always be unfamiliar. The pale yellow sunlight slowly filtered through the thin, dusty curtains, its ghostly white fingers bleaching anything they touched. Except for a bright, blood red box. I didn't remember that being there.

The first thing I noticed was the shade of red. It was a peculiar color. It seemed dangerous yet alluring. I was drawn to it like a moth drawn to a flame. I slowly extended my trembling hand. My fingers were about to touch the brilliant red color when my blood turned cold. I heard a groan coming from the bathroom.

I stood there, unmoving. I slowly turned around and tiptoed to the bathroom door. The rotting door reeked of mold. I slowly pushed it open, hands trembling. I closed my eyes and expected a crack of light from the large windows to hit my face. It didn't.

A chill ran down my spine and my whole body quivered. I dreaded what I would see if I opened my eyes. My heartbeat stopped when I heard heavy breathing right in front of me. Warm breath hit my face. What disturbed me was the smell. It didn't have one. It smelled of nothing. It felt like the ragged breathing of a soulless demon.

I slowly forced myself to peel open my eyes. I froze. I tried to scream but the air escaped from my lungs. I was too afraid to even think.

When I finally had the courage to move again, my breathing accelerated I quickly slammed the door back shut. I had to be dreaming. It couldn't be. I didn't believe in those kinds of things.

I slowly pushed the door open again before pulling it shut so hard, the handle nearly ripped off. It was still there. I wanted to run. I wanted to get as far away from the house as possible. I needed to get away from it.

Thoughts ran through my head like hungry wolves, chasing each other and ripping each other to pieces. I couldn't think straight. I felt lightheaded. The dizziness invaded my mind like a dark force trying to take over me. I fell backwards and my head hit the edge of the bed.

I vaguely remembered feeling blood trickling down my neck before darkness surrounded me. Everything was pitch black.

I woke up when a blinding light hit my face. I bolded upright and immediately regretted it. My head felt heavy and I laid back down. I looked around to see that I was laying on a white bed that wasn't my own.

"Wonderful! You are awake." said a monotone voice. I looked to my right to see a nurse at my bedside. I cringed. I could see the false cheerfulness plastered across her face as she smiled widely. I'd seen that smile somewhere before, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You are at St. Sonia children's hospital. You are here to recover from a severe injury." the nurse said, the unsettling smile still stuck on her face. I'd never heard of this hospital before.

Dr. XXXजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें