chapter 2

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when i found out i was ADOPTED... WHAT! chapter 2

“Clara get up now you’re going to be late for your last day of school” I heard my mom calling from the bottom off the stairs, her voice bouncing around the house due to the lack of contents, I let out a strangled groan before pushing myself back into the warmth and comfort of my bed “CLARA!” my mom shouted causing me to shoot straight up staring at my mom who was now leaning against my door with a serious look on her face demanding for me to get up.

“I’m up” I mumbled before slipping out of my little heaven before padding my way into the bathroom, having a 15 minute shower before getting dressed into some lazy clothes and putting my hair up into a messy bun not really caring about my looks since it was the last day I would ever be at that school, since we were moving after me and my brother got home.

I walked down stairs to see my brother Ricky eating my pop tarts, I glared at him as I slowly walked down the stairs trying not to make a sound alerting my presence before I jumped at Ricky taking the pop tart out of his hand, and starting to eat it with a smug smile on my face “Problem?” I asked a smile easily making its way onto my face “oh I guess you need a ride to school?” my smile instantly fell before I held out the left over corner from my pop tart to him, a pleading look on my face signalling I really wanted that lift to school, I didn’t fancy walking for an hour and a half.

Walking out in the drive way I followed Ricky to his brand new porche he got for his 17th birthday, he would have got it for his 16th but he didn’t pass math so he re-did the exam a year later passed and now he has a porche. So now he isn’t just a brother who has a nice car, he is now a brother that very generously gives lifts to the little sister he loves very much!  

I sat in the passenger seat watching the scenery pass by as music was being blasted from the radio, rolling down my window and closing my eyes as I felt the sun hit my eye lids giving everything an orange hue, the strong wind blowing the lose bits of hair out of my way making them stick into weird directions in the process.

Feeling Ricky tap my shoulder indicating that we had reached school, I got out of the car heading into the prison most adults call school for the next 6 hours.

when i found out i was ADOPTED ... WHAT! (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now