Beep, I end the call, shaking...

Carter comes walking in

"Is everything alright?" He asks calmly

"Y-yes.." I lie trying not to worry him

"Okay then, if you need anything i'll be in the living room.." He says

I walk back to my room and lay down.

"Ugh, Maybe i should have ended the call sooner...

'People of the dark, Crawl from the shadows'

I know, i know, i should just forget about it, but i cant it keeps slithering back into my mind

Carter deserves to know, but its so weird and strange what if he thinks i'm just delusional...

I won't risk that, starting in the next five minutes i declare that whatever just happened on the phone is just my imagination.

My phone is ringing again.

I pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask

"Is this Tiffany?" The Person asks

"Yes, why? Who are you?" I ask more determined to find out their name than i was ever before

"Stop asking questions and let me talk, im Electronica Black, the girl from The corner of the room." They say as if it was something that should just pop into my head the moment the minute i hear her voice.

"Oh, sorry" I apologize without even thinking about it.

"Okay, then bye." She says

She leaves the conversation.

Why would she call?

I barely know her and she seemed to hate me.

"Who was that?" Carter asks

I was so embodied on the call that i didn't even Worry about my surroundings.

"Urm, oh Hi Carter, it was just my my mom." I lie

He gives me a disappointed look.

"I know your mom's dead, so answer me honestly who was that?" He asks kindly

"It was just Electronica." i say

"Then why did you have to hide it?" He asks

"I don't know it was just an instinct..." i answer

"Well, aren't you going to tell me what she said?" He asks

"Yeah, i guess." I say

"Well then..." He pushes me to say

" She just um, wanted to know it was my number..." I say

He gives me a look of disgust

"Seriously... I asked and this is what i get..." He says

"S-Sorry, i mean it wasn't a really interesting conversation...." I say honestly

"I can't believe i wasted my precious time on asking a question and i get this?!" He says

I then remember i have a fight.

"SHOOT!" I yell aloud

Carter looks at me and says


"I- i have to be at somewhere right now!" I yell

"Oh, for the fight right? The one between you and Aniyah? Right or do you have another fight i don't know about?" He asks

"No, it's between Aniyah, i think, i don't know her name..." I say honestly

"Hm, okay, well do you need help getting to there?" He asks clearly excited for the fight.

"Okay then." i say

He takes my pinky finger and teleports us to the back of the school.

"What the heck?!" I say.

"Oh, there you are, I was beginning to think you had gotten scared and give up." Aniyah said

"I don't give up, Im only just late because I don't care about doing anything hurtful, because either way i beat you." I said wondering where that came from.

She came running at me without me noticing and had managed to hit my arm.

I then pressed 'START" To begin again

Aniyah was then pixelated again, i could read her every move, since she said it.

"Rain of terror!" I yell at her.

She is trapped in a room with light glass behind the glass is a great white shark, waiting until it has enough stamina to break the glass.

She screams for mercy and for me to get her out i do, because i hate hearing screaming.

Everyone looks at me with horrified even some mutter

'It's a good thing i said i didn't want to fight, just look at aniyah, she looks bad...'

I go back to normal

I won again. I think i'm getting used to this, i mean it keeps happening.

Everyone then looks at my arm which Aniyah had slashed with her katana the moment she started, It was leaking blood everywhere and i hadn't noticed I put my arm on it and it had started closing and the next second it was as if i was never cut in the first place.

I looked at Aniyah who was shivering on the floor.

I lend her a hand.

I was glad she had took it instead of pushing me away and yelling.

I healed the cut on her foot and gave her a towel.

"Are you alright?" I ask

"I'll be fine.." Aniyah mutters.

I then notice she is still mad at the fact that I was beating her.

"Sorry," I said honestly

"Be quiet!, i don't want any pity! I started this fight!" She said clearly upset.

I didn't know how to handle this, since i had never been in a fight.

"It wasn't your fault" I said not understanding how that related to her upsetness.

She took a confused and disgusted look at me and rolled her eyes.

"I-I mean, I kind of had a cheat" I said.

As soon as i said that she had a kind of glorious light in her eyes

"I knew it..." She said

"Knew what?" I asked obviously curious of what she meant.

"I knew you were THE CHOSEN ONE" She said

The Lucid Life: Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now