Quick / Pinn - Pictures

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(not a request, just a QUICK oneshot)
(pun intended)



Quinn narrowed her eyes at the taller male, crossing her arms as she did. "No fair! You're a giant compared to me!"

Puck laughed, as he had snatched the blonde's phone out of her hands and held it away. "Oooh, who are you texting?" He mocked, grinning.

The female's eyes widened, "Don't you dare."

"So it's obviously important, which means I should look at it." Puck said, being the type of boyfriend he was.

Quinn thought for a bit. How could she get her phone back, in a few seconds, without attempting to tackle the much taller boy.

"Fine, I'm assuming you didn't want t-"

"Aww, you posted that picture of us you took the other day. Along with many others.. Wait, who did this?" Puck questioned, looking at Quinn's FaceBook page.

"I did? I'm very artsy, I'll have you know." Quinn said, sassily as she put a hand on her hip and the other held out for her phone.

Puck hesitantly gave it back. He thought for a bit, "Wait, can I see it real quick?"

Quinn sighed, "What for?"

"Just let me see it."

Quinn rolled her eyes, handing the phone back to Puck.

Puck glanced around, then saw a chair. He pulled it out, sat on it, then patted his thigh.

Quinn shook her head, crossing her arms once again.

"Just for a few pictures. Pleaaaaase?" The male begged, giving "puppy dog eyes".

Quinn laughed lightly, rolling her eyes. "Fine, fine." She sat on his Thigh, wrapping her arms around his neck and watching as he opened the camera app.

Puck held Quinn's hand with his, placing a kiss on her backhand. He took a few pictures, including some of Quinn sticking up her middle finger and/or poking his cheek.

Quinn smiled during all the pictures, a genuine smile.

"Okay, gimme it." Quinn demanded. Puck did so, and this time it was Quinn who took those pictures.

Puck would kiss her cheek, her backhand, make funny faces to get her to laugh.

Finally, Quinn flipped it to the rear-camera.

The two held their hands underneath their camera, and Quinn took several pictures. There was a plain hold-hands, both making half a heart with their hand, then making a half a heart with their middle and index.

Quinn made no hesitation to posting all those photos to FaceBook. No caption, she just uploaded them.

Puck chuckled, "No collage? I thought you were artsy." He mocked.

"Eh, I'll make another collage later." Quinn said, smiling as she put her phone down and planting a kiss on his cheek

Puck smiled. He returned the favor, this time placing the kiss on her lips.

The two let out a small laugh. It was without a doubt the two were in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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