1 - Average, Boring. Lame.

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(Y/N) would describe their life as average. Despite being a straight-A student in school, they get rather bored quite a lot. Their school barely gave them any homework because the principals didn't believe in it. They barely had any friends to hang out with, as when they were accepted into a charter school, their friends went into different schools. It was, simply, boring.

It was summer, lucky for them, so they were free of school. Well, they would be lucky if it weren't so boring. School gave then something to do. Now that it was gone, though...they had nothing. Eventually, (Y/N) opened their eyes. They had been laying in bed this whole time, dozing off and letting their thoughts fly by. There was nothing to worry about in (Y/N)'s room. Never.

(Y/N) crawled out of bed and brushed their (H/C) hair, sighing. The only thing they could do was watch some anime, read manga, or chat online. They weren't feeling it today, though. (Y/N) wanted to get out of the house. Do something to keep them entertained. (Y/N) slugged downstairs after getting dressed in their usual attire, yawning.

"Hi, dad..." They expected their dad to be hanging out in the kitchen, but there was a note on the island.

Sorry, honey! Work called me in again. :( You're on your own until mom gets back at 5.
Love you!

Damnit. Why did he have to leave today? Now they'd have to go somewhere alone. Great. (Y/N) pulled money out of their secret stash from a drawer, and stared at it. The only thing they could think of was to go to the mall. A good hundred bucks they could spend while there was nothing better to do.

(Y/N) sighed, checking the clock. Nine AM. A good eight hours to screw around. The air around them seemed empty. They couldn't stand the ticking of the clock in the kitchen anymore, so they trudged outside. Hot. Damn, it was HOT. (Y/N) was so lucky the mall was only a mile away. So lucky they lived almost in shopping district. One mile seemed like eternity in this heat, though.

After the dreadful walk from their house to the mall, (Y/N) finally made it. They walked through the doors, greeted by AC. It felt extremely good compared to the heat outside, that's for sure.

It was only a half hour later that (Y/N) found something they actually wanted to buy. A watch! A rather bulky yet stylish one. It honestly seemed to speak to them the first time they saw it. (Y/N) grabbed it and headed up to the register, heart pounding out of their chest.

"H-Hi..." They handed it over, almost freezing up. "Oh, hi, kid! This is what you want, eh? Well, it's-" Suddenly, the cashier seemed to have a change in mood. She seemed to zone out for a minute. "Ah...kid, whatever. This is the last in stock. Have it for free!" She handed the watch right back over to (Y/N), smiling. "W-What? Uh- um- thanks?" (Y/N) remembered how their mother said to accept gifts as gifts. They really should do it more often.

(Y/N) proceeded to walk back home, no money spent, and ran up to their room to try their new watch out! They immediately unpackaged and slapped it on, getting just a perfect fit. Almost as if it were made for them. It looked rather cool, as well...until something caught their attention.

Lift up the lid...

(Y/N) was shocked. They weren't schizophrenic, right? But something did tell them that they really needed to lift up the lid. So, per the usual, they followed the orders. A ominous purple light came out of the watch, and something seemed to move into it after a second. Some sort of shadow.

After a few seconds, the silhouette became more than a silhouette- a living being! Some sort of...rabbit? In an astronaut suit...? (Y/N) didn't seem too phased, but they were extremely surprised. The little fella even twirled around, and struck a pose after he was revealed.


Oh boy. This was going to be interesting.

more usapyon next time I swear
its just that intros are good for ur health uwu
anyways cya bois thanks for reading ily bih

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