I'm no hero

Mulai dari awal

I just sigh and look at him and raised an eyebrow. I wasn't exactly teacher material I wonder if this was his way of trying to save me. He always saved me even when we were kids. I would always get into fights and then the times I would loose he'd step in.

"...also I think this would be good for you being around kids. Some of these kids really need a mentor a parent like figure. I think you'd be best because you've been where some of them are." He explains I smile.

"I'm not exactly the parenting type. I ain't their mom." I say Aizawa just sighed.

"Just try it...please..." he said with a gaze that made it almost impossible to say no.

"Fine I'll try it." I say and walk out of the room.  Aizawa followed and walked beside me as I stopped at a door. I outstretched my hand to the door but hesitated. Aizawa put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I take a breath and open the door to the room of 1A. I see shocked faces.

Then subtle whispers that included "who's that?" Or "she's pretty" or "where is Aizawa-sensi" a sigh of relief came over them when Aizawa came in after me.

"This is Mrs. (L/N) she's going to be teaching with me for a while. Please be nice and respectful to her." He says as he's giving me a chance to introduce myself.

"Um hi. Okay I hate formalities just call me (y/n). I'm looking forward to getting to know you." I say.

The room fell into silence I glanced at Aizawa for help. He cleared his throat and spoke "she's going to be teaching you a lot about the importance of quirk control. I'm sure you have questions feel free to ask them but be respectful of her." Aizawa explained.

I nodded and called on a boy with spiky green hair. He was obviously nervous but I wasn't sure if it was because of me. "Um hi I'm Izuku you don't mind me asking what is your quirk...?" He asked.

Aizawa sighed and opened his mouth to shoot down the question. "Copy cat..." I say plainly Aizawa sighed and relaxed.

"How strong are you?" A voice broke the silence. I look and see a young boy with blonde hair and an angry expression on his face.

"Hmm. Bold one aren't we? Look kid My quirk is second only to Allmight. I'm physically strong but it depends on the circumstances if I win or not..." I say.

Who was this kid? I get wild vibes from him it's so erratic, angry and strong. "Tch. Whatever like I believe that..." he scoffed. I sigh and and crack my knuckles.

"Test to see for yourself don't hold back either. Attack me with everything you've got. But first let's go outside and do this get your gear it's time for lesson 1 from me." I say. Aizawa chuckled.

Everyone followed me outside the blonde boy looked at me angrily. His quirk was certainly destructive. He was a prideful, self righteous and full of rage. Honestly he reminded me of myself back in the day.

He growled shattering the memory and bringing me back to earth. "Alright So first I want you to attack me without using your quirk. I want you to have enough energy to fight me first..." I explain he nodded then then his face contorted into a crazed angry look.

"Whenever you're ready..." I say.

He came at me at full speed throwing a punch however it was slow. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of me.

"That all?" I taunt with a smile.

He glared and then tried to land a kick to my side I blocked it. However he was strong if he was going at full force he could have shattered my arm. He attempted to kick me again but I dodged it.

"You're slow. You ain't gonna win that way..." I start.

"...anger throws you off balance. You must keep a calm and collected demeanor when fighting. If you're blinded by rage then..." a growl erupted from his throat.

"Shut up. The hell do you know..." he shouts at me.

"A lot considering I'm a teacher." I retort.

"Shut up!" He shouted throwing a punch that hit my stomach. It hurt but I was still standing.

"Do you feel better?" I ask.
"Did hitting me make you feel better?" I ask again.

"No but don't act like you know me..." he retorted and walked away.

"Bakugo...?" A boy with red hair said and ran after him. Kirashima I believe was his name. I sigh and return to teaching.

"Anger throws you off balance if you're blinded by rage it enables you to think rationally. If your quirk is driven by emotions then it could cause more harm than good." I explain the the bell rang and Aizawa dismissed them.

"Good job you managed Bakugo of all people today. By the way does he remind you of anyone?" Aizawa asked.

I nod and then walk off after that boy I wasn't going to allow him to make the same mistakes I did at one point.

Eraserhead x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang