Chapter 1

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Harry sat up in his bed as he heard a loud banging on his room door. "Harry? Harry time for Quidditch practice!" As he looked around his room none of the others really appreciated this early morning wake up call. They had also been woken up by Wood a many times as he shouted for Harry through their dorm door. "Coming Oliver!" Harry shouted back from his bed. Putting on his Quidditch robes and grabbing his broom, Harry went down the stairs into the Gryffindor common room only to see everyone there. "Sorry to keep you all waiting" Harry said quietly.
"That's okay" said Fred and George in harmony and they smiled. "Right time to go to the Quidditch pitch." Wood smiled. After half an hour the Gryffindors finally got onto the field. There was still a coldness to the air and morning dew on the floor but that didn't seem to affect the players as they were flying. An hour later Ron and Hermione came out with food and waved at Harry from the stands as they sat down. "Breakfast has started!" George said noticing his brother with a plate of food. "That's enough practice for this morning. We will carry on at lunch!" Wood shouted so the whole team could hear him. Everyone dove down and raced into the  changing rooms. "Coming Harry?" Called Katie. "No thanks, Bell. I think I'm going to practice some more." Harry called after her. "This is the third time Harry has missed breakfast this week." Hermione whispered to Ron. "Yeah" Ron said "I think Wood is being to hard on him about not being at the last quidditch match last year. I don't think he is taking it very well.."

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