Chapter 7

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Blake's POV

It has been 2 days since I was sent home. 2 days of staying in this hotel room.

I was packing my things getting ready to face my mum and anyone else who has decided to make an appearance.

Saying I was nervous was sugarcoating it. I was beyond nervous not only because of the Harry thing, but because I haven't been home for 3 years.

Questions formed in my head.

Has mum changed?

Did she move to a new house?

No she would have told me that.

Has she changed my room?

Has mum changed at all? Does she still look the same? Smell the same?

I miss her. I do, I really really do.

What if I show up home and she doesn't want me there?

Question after question formed in my head. As if he knew what I was thinking, Chase texted me. We have been texting non stop since I left.

*Chase*- hey, I know your nervous, just show up and be yourself. And don't worry. She is going to want you there. But not as bad as I want you here!! I miss you girly!

He never fails to put a smile on my face.

*Me*- I know I know. I can't help it! And I miss you too!!! Maybe you can come visit?

*Chase*- you think I was going to let you be away from me for a whole semester? HA! Don't make me laugh. I'm already looking at booking a flight over there!! ;)

*Me*- Yay! You do that and then tell me when to come get you from the airport! :D

I replied. I put my phone in my pocket and headed out the door with my bags.

I hailed a cab and told them my house address.


Once we reached my street, I told the driver to stop at the end of the street and I will just walk the rest of the way.

While walking, I could see my house come into view. It felt as though a rock was dropped into my stomach.

' I can't do this.' I thought. But by the time I said that, I was already on my front porch, ringing the doorbell.

I waited and waited. After about a minute or so, the door slowly opened, and our cat Dusty, peaked his head out and looked up at me. He looked and the next thing I know, I had a cat clawing it's way up my leg and cradled itself in my arms, purring and lightly licking my hand. I look up from Dusty and see my mum standing there with her hand over her mouth, and her eyes glazed over with tears.

I smiled up at her and soon felt tears come to my eyes. She hasn't changed a bit.

"Hi..." I said shyly. She looked as if she was about to burst out crying any second.

"Blake?" She said in disbelief. I nod my head slowly.

She then attacked me with a hug that could suffocate a cow, but I didn't mind. I wrapped my arms around her and dug my face into her neck, she smelt the same also. Gosh how I missed her so much.

"I missed you mum. So much." I cried.

She pulled away and looked at me with her tear stained face.

"I missed you so much. Blake, you look so different. I hardly recognized you! You have become so breath takingly beautiful.." She paused, " my beautiful baby girl!" She said before yanking me and Dusty, who was still cradled in my arms refusing to get down, inside the house.

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