Chapter 19: Coming To The Light (Continued)

Start from the beginning

After about forty five minutes, he pulled into his driveway and got out, not caring whether I needed help to get my bags out or not. Truly, I barely cared since he was being so rude and not once had I disrespected him, but oh well.

Out of the corner of my eye, I seen Regina running towards me and I laughed because she was so short and her legs looked funny while she was running.

As soon as she was close enough to me, she jumped on me and hugged me. She got down after embracing me and I laughed at her excitement.

"Oh my God your hair, it's burgundy! I love it!" She squealed. I smiled and nodded.

"Your hair, it's blue! I love it!" I mocked. She then sucked her teeth playfully and helped me with my bags.

"We have so much to talk about," she said as we walked into the house and she shut the door. I smiled.

"I'm sure we do," I responded. Will came out of the kitchen and stood against the wall, staring at Regina while eating an apple.

I smiled at the way he was looking at her and the atmosphere low key became weird since we were just standing here looking at each other.

I laughed to myself about my thoughts and snapped out of them when Will grabbed my bags out of my hand. His humongous hand grazed over mine and it sent a shock through me, literally.

I flinched and snatched back as he continued to walk away not caring that he'd just shocked me. Regina noticed this and rolled her eyes before leading me into the kitchen to get some glasses of wine.

"He does it to me too," Regina said. I nodded and looked up the stairs to see him coming down them. Immediately, I looked away from his gaze and I could've sworn I heard him smirk.

Regina gave me my glass and I sipped it before going to sit at the kitchen island.

"Donte sleep?" Will asked. Regina nodded as she drank from her wineglass. I pulled out my phone, scrolling through Instagram while drinking my drink. Regina and Will were being all lovey dovey so I excused myself from the room.

I sat in what looked like the den and continued my scrolling.

"Did you want something to eat?" Will asked, scaring me. I was still trying to get over the fact that his voice was so deep.

I coughed a little and shook my head. He smirked again before nodding and walking away.

He was a very attractive creep who was honestly perfect for Regina. He needs to tend to her instead of checking for me, Tajiah, who's Regina's very loyal and sentimental little cousin, who also isn't going to entertain her man's creepy and uncomfortable ass games.

I sat my wineglass on the coffee table in front of me, sat back on the couch, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Traveling really tires me out, honestly just wanna sleep in for today but I know Regina probably has other things planned for us.

I heard crying and assumed Regina was going to go get Donte, then I heard light footsteps coming towards the den, where I was.

Since the doorway is behind the couch, I didn't see who'd come in nor did I bother to since I was so comfortable in this position I was in. Whoever it was plopped down on the couch beside me and I heard them sigh.

"Who are you?" My eyes shot open at the sound of the person's high pitch and somewhat foreign voice and I lifted my head, looked over to see a girl. She was slightly chocolate complexioned, very curly hair, and freckles. She was beautiful.

I smiled at her before introducing myself. "I'm Tajiah, I'm Regina's cousin. It's nice to meet you," I sat all the way up, extending my hand for her to shake.

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