Chapter 2:The grades of Xyrus and Kayla

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It was 2 months has past and xyrus and kayla's grades are droping and iyomi is the most intelligent student in the whole school so xyrus and kayla asked iyomi "iyomi can you chutor me and kayla for tomorrows exam our grades are droping and we need your help" xyrus said begging her to chutor them even kayla is making the CUTE PUPPY EYE "you guys dont need to beg me i will teach you no mater what so dont do thos puppy eyes" iyomi said almost gonna cry because of thos puppy eyes that kayla is making then kayla brought $200,000,000 "here this is for the chutor" kayla then gave a cute smile but xyrus and iyomi's eyes widend so big and shouted "AAHHH$200,000,000"they shouted so loud the whole school heard it "why is it too small?" kayla asked raising her cute eyebrow POOF... an unkown student caught the money and ran outside the school "muhahaha im rich now no one can stop me" laughing like a mad scientist or maybe an insane guy trying to win an arcade game suddenly 50 to 60 men in black suits came out of no wher (WOW IMAGINE THAT HAH) surrounded the student who snatch the money but it got away (WOW A STUDENT JUST GOT AWAY FROM 50-60 BODYGUARDS ARE BODYGUARDS IDIOTS OR THE STUDENT JUST MASTERD THE WAY OF A NINJA? ) anyways..... one body guard talked to kayla "sorry mam we didnt stop the student that snatch your money we are sorry we will take all the cause of pain'' he said "its okay thats not even half of my allawance"kayla said with her KAWAI smile "okay mam sorry again" then POOF... disapeard like a bubble "you are ssooo rich no wonder 50 to 60 bodyguards just came here and stopped the snatcher" iyomi said widening her eyes

The bell rang "ITS TIME TO GO HOME....!" some students shouted

all students are preparing ther stuffs to go home "iyomi lets start the chutor" xyrus said while stretching his arm "okay but wher can we study?" iyomi asking "lets go on my house?.." kayla said "okay let me just call my parents" iyomi said while thinking how big and wonderful ther house will be and how big will be kayla's room "how about you xyrus you dont want to tell your perants?" kayla asked "my parents are in New York they dont care wher ever i go" xyrus spoke sadly "oh im sorry if i even asked you about that" kayla said more sader than xyrus for unknown reason "okay lets go" iyomi said happily then confused when she saw the two looks sad, they went out of the school and a limousin was waiting and a bodyguard opened the ther so the trio could get in like an artist or famous people

30 minutes later

"Madam we are here now" the bodyguard said while the trio where walking towards the BIG BIG WHITE HOUSE FULL OF FLOWERS ther where 10 maids and 10 bodyguards 5 maids on the left and 5 on the right even the bodyguards and of caurse the butler opening the big door when they got in ther was a chandalier it was made of diamonds ~AAAHHH YOU GET THE IDEA ON HOW RICH KAYLA IS~ they got to the room of kayla then pull all ther books out

2 hours has past

the door opened and the maid came in bringing the tray of red wine and champaign like kayla has requested then they dronk it all kayla was sleeping on the rug xyrus was sitting on a corner iyomi was crowling to xyrus then "you know...i love y" then iyomi's lips inches so close to xyrus lips closer and closer then iyomi kissed xyrus and xyrus kissed back 20 minutes later

they've have'nt stopped kissing then "kkkkkkkkkkkk" xyrus heard a cute snoring voice coming from iyomi then suddenly he slept when xyrus woked up he realize he was on the bed with the cute girls hugging him then the door opened the butler came in rang a bell so the three woke up and was shocked that they where hugging xyrus and surprised that they where at the bed "OH NO ITS OUR EXAM NOW" xyrus shouted "its okay sir i prepared all the things you three need and yes even the uniforms and i even put you three on the bed " the butler told them "so you put ther hands on me?!" xyrus ask so curius "no" the butler said while making the -I-DID'NT-DO-ANYTHING- smile creepily, the two cute girls that just woke up blushed pink red ~oouuhh so cute~ "i'll just leave the room so you three can prepare" the butler said while going out the room

1 hour later

The three was finish preparing everything and ate ther breakfast then ran outside and got in the limo, they went to the school and they started the test iyomi was easy going at the test but kayla and xyrus where sweating

5 hours has past

They've finished all the test and it was break time so they eat ther snack first then they went to the big board to look at ther grades while xyrus and kayla where finding ther names ther hearts a beating fast and guess what -------iyomi was perfect, xyrus and kayla got 10 :( 10 WRONG ANSWERS SO THEY GOT 90 "yyyyeeeeaaaaaahhhh" xyrus and kayla shouted happily and so like the other students kayla throw a party in school and invited all ther classmates and some teachers, iyomi, xyrus and kayla made the decorations for the party then kayla was just on a ladder putting a big ribbon on the wall, she was done and going down the ladder suddenly she fell down almost gonna fall but xyrus catched kayla from behind "T..thank you for saving me xyrus" kayla said while she hugged him "eehhmm" a familiar voice was heard the two turned around and saw iyomi then kayla let go of xyrus "aahhmm lets start the party?.." xyrus said trying to stop hes luagh because of how jelous iyomi was

30 minutes later

All of ther classmates wher dancing and laughing kayla prepared a rare juice only one restaurant makes it and its $50,000,000 well they did'nt want any wine again if you know what i mean

3 hours has past

The party was done three maids came at school to clean the party everyone got home except the teachers and the trio "that party was fun, hah?..." xyrus said "yes it was" kayla said "okay well i gotta go home" iyomi said happily then she left the two

"Xyrus?"kayla said while her head was looking down

"Hhmm?"xyrus turned around with a small smile

"t..thank you again" kayla said while blushing rose white

Xyrus smiled so handsome "its okay dont worry about it" xyrus said then kayla hugged xyrus tighter and tighter kayla looked at xyrus then kissed xyrus she turned around and blush then she ran to her limousin and went home well even xyrus went home to when xyrus was about to sleep he remembered the kiss that kayla gave he was picturing it and blushed then closed his eyes and slapped hes face and another memory was remembered it was the kiss that iyomi gave that night and slapped his face again then he just slept ignoring the memories that he was thinking

The sun was raising

'kkkrrr' the alarm clock was ringing xyrus woke up and take a bath and ate the breakfast then went to school when he was coming two familiar students wher waiting at the gate then they waved as xyrus got nearer and nearer at the gate he finally know who it was it was iyomi and kayla then together they went inside when the teacher came "ther will be a competition for runing in 2 weeks so wants to join raise your arm" the teacher said 2 student raised ther hands one of them was iyomi then they wrote ther names "im going to win this" iyomi said proudly"i will help you to practice"both xyrus and kayla said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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