Your Name Seems Familiar...

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It was the beginning of October, and even though it was warmer than it usually was in Autumn, he still enjoyed his regular, brisk paced walks to school. He couldn't help taking note of the desolate atmosphere in the normally busy street. Glancing at his wristwatch, he brushed off the peculiar occurrence and started walking a notch faster, wanting to get to school a bit earlier than usual. His math teacher was never late, and he didn't want to get detention again.

School passed quickly, once his math and physics classes were out of the way. At the beginning of his fifth class, however, a light drizzle of rain started falling from the sky. He had hoped it would stop by the time school was over, but the opposite happened - a downpour had started by then, and he, smart bastard that he is, hadn't deigned it necessary to take an umbrella with him. He'd whine about this to himself once he got home, rainstorm be damned.

Running out of the school building, he cursed under his breath as a droplet of rain landed in his eye. He has thick eyebrows and can list at least three occasions where a girl asked him if he wore mascara- 'I do not!'- , so it's rather odd for a droplet to get from the sky into his eyes. 

Ending his inner rant so he could concentrate on what's happening around him, he pulled up his hoodie over his short, dark brown hair and set a brisk walking pace that would've bordered on running, had he went just a bit faster. The rain didn't seem to be letting up, so he gave up any hope that he'd arrive home in a state that was not dripping wet.

After about three minutes of walking, he stumbled and almost fell over a small bump embedded in the sidewalk. He was a bit surprised by this- he is far from clumsy, and the last time he had tripped was last winter, and even then he didn't fall. 

Shaking his head at the uncommon happenstance, he had been about to start walking again when he heard a shout over the thrumming of the falling rain.

"Hey, you!" he was unfamiliar with the voice, and wasn't sure if the exclamation had been directed at him, so he raised his head and saw a coated woman with long, raven hair that bordered on black in color. He couldn't see her face, though, as it was shaded by the large, dark turquoise umbrella she seemed to be carrying in her left hand.

He started sauntering towards her, gently calling out an inquisitive 'Hello?' when he was halfway there. She lifted up her umbrella, revealing a pale face with sharp features, high cheekbones accentuating her ice blue eyes and thin eyebrows. Her nose was small and feminine, making her look professional, yet pretty in her own way. 

Realizing he'd just scanned a poor stranger's face in a split second- again...-, he snapped his gaze back towards her eyes, acting nonchalant and putting on his poker face. The woman in question seemed completely unbothered- either she didn't notice or didn't care. She just gave him a friendly smile and gave a pointed nod in the direction of his head; he presumed she was referring to his damp hoodie.

"Forgot your umbrella?" She asked, though there was an amused characteristic to her voice and a knowing look in her eyes that told him she was asking just for the sake of being polite.

"Yes, I did. Didn't expect it to rain today, it was pretty warm this morning, after all, Miss..." He answered with a very polite tone, usually reserved for speaking to teachers or strangers, trailing off and hoping to get her name. 

"You may call me... Morana. What about yourself?" Her name sounded familiar, which was odd, considering he was pretty sure he had never heard of anybody called Morana before. Regardless, he gave her an answer.

"My name is Marko. If you don't mind me asking, why did you call me out earlier?" After giving her a polite smile, he noticed that amusement never left her eyes, which left him bemused.

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