Aohitsugi Samatoki x Reader

Comenzar desde el principio

"Especially a stupid woman like you" he mumbles, looking at you who is clumsily running away

"It's been 17 years, damn it"


"[Y/N] ! have you heard about the territory battle?" A friend who is also your colleague that shares the same interests as you asked, you perked up from your computer screen and look at her

"I've heard about it, but I don't know much"

"Well the Mad Trigger Crew are really cool, especially Samatoki-sama~" There, your friend enters her fangirl mode, there's no way to stop her now

But you remembered that name somewhere

"Samatoki...Do you have any pictures of him, [Friend's name]?" You asked her

"So now you're interested huh?" She teases you before opening a file dedicated only to her 'Samatoki-sama'

As your friend show you his pictures, you started to recognize him little by little

His white hair and red eyes, it was the same one that you always look at when you were young until you move away

"Damn it, I'm so fucking stupid" you laugh at yourself while trying to hold back your tears. Realizing the fact that you've already met him

That night, when you were chased by a yakuza gang


Samatoki Aohitsugi was a person you grew up with

Because you two live next to each other, you naturally became friends. You are also close to his sister too. The three of you play together every evening

Sometimes, when you got bullied. He would offer to help

You always wonder why he would sometimes get bruises, but never ask about it

You actually never find out why since you have to move away. Your father got a new job somewhere and you have to move because of it

Having to say goodbye to the people around here is hard. But saying goodbye to your best friend is harder than you thought. You didn't even say it properly, just leave him confused why you leave in the first place

Time passes, all the new people you met made you forgot about him. Thinking back about it, it made you seem like a really big jerk because you completely forgot about your first and best friend

But Samatoki never forgets, he never knew why you left in the first place. He always waiting for you to come back

And finally, after 17 years, he meets you again


You ended up walking around Yokohama, hoping to find Samatoki again even though the chance is super slim, you took it anyway.

It looks like luck's on your side today

"Hey," A man's voice is heard, you immediately recognize his voice and turns back to face him. He's really Samatoki you knew, white hair, red eyes, everything matches with what you have in your memory

"Samatoki..." you quietly call him, holding back tears

"Welcome back [Y/N]" He said, smiling a little which is barely noticeable from afar. But you saw it


"I'm back," You said, smiling back with tears of happiness

You still have so many questions to ask him, but that can wait

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