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“Mommy, where’s daddy?” a small girl asked. She was currently sitting on the couch on her mother’s lap. The brown haired lady smiled. “Daddy has important work to do right now (Y/N), he’s taking care of the bad guys for us right now!” The woman tells her child. The girl turns her head upwards to look into her mother’s eyes.


 “When will I get my quirk mommy?” she asks with a small frown. Her mother faces her again. “Soon my darling, then you can become a hero just like us.” She tells her daughter.


 The little girl jumped off of the woman’s lap, and circled around the living room. “I’m gonna be a hero, and show those villains who’s boss! I’ll be just like mommy and daddy!” he girl stills jogs around the room with her fist in the air.


 The (E/C) eyed woman giggled at her lovely daughter. A knock was then heard. The girl froze, and looked at her mother who was currently opening the door. As soon as the girl knew who it was, she ran up to the man and gave him a big hug.


 The (H/C) haired man picked up the girl, and spun her around. “Daddy! I’m gonna become a hero just like you!” the girl sang still in her father’s arms.


 -Time Skip-


 The (H/C) haired girl sat in her room with her stomach aching. She held her side while crying to her father who was currently holding his daughter’s hand.


 “It’s alright sweety, it’s most likely your quirk kicking in!” the father exclaimed. The girl still cried a little bit, still in agony. Her mother was making soup for her.


 A small light was coming from the side of her stomach. The girl screamed, and closed her eyes tightly. The father widened his eyes. A small dog- like creature popped out of the girl’s part of stomach. It’s fur was white, and it’s ears were dark brown.


 It had dot eyes, and a small tail. It plopped down on the black carpet and just stood there. The father was still surprised. “(Y/N), sweety, your quirk is extraordinary! It’s been passed down by many ancestors from your family. Your great, great, grandfather had it. I’ll explain some more later.” He told her. The girl still had tears in her eyes, but left her attention on the dog.


 After an hour of explaining, it seemed as if the small girl got some of the things that were being explained, but was confused on other things about her quirk. All she knew was that the dog will do anything on command from her.


 Her quirk was like no other. There were very few quirks like this out in the world.



 -1 Year Later-


 Time passed, and (Y/N) was now six. She has grown attached to her quirk, and used him more, which brought pain to her, but after using it many more times the pain eased down. The girl later found out that she can pop the dog off from anywhere on her body, and had to wait a certain amount of time for the dog to come back.


 She named him Kuro.


 It was summer time, and the girl was waiting for her father to come home. He was doing his daily hero work. Her mother worked at night, while her father worked in the day time, well most of the day time at least.


 Her father was late today. A couple hours late. The girl’s mother panicked a bit at first, but she then heard a knock at the door. The girl also heard it, and ran to the door shortly after her mother opened it.


 The girl had a giant smile on her face until she realized that it wasn’t her dad. Instead, it was pro hero Best Jeanist. He looked sad to the girl. “Susan, he died from a villain.” Was all the girl heard.


 Her small smile went down, and tears came down her eyes. Her mother sank down, and started to sob. ‘I was supposed to show daddy that I could be like him.’ The girl thought while still having tears flow down her eyes.


 The girl ran up into her room, and locked the door. Kuro popped out of her arm, and started to lean on the girl, trying his best to comfort her. 

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