[16.] He Will Always Come Back To You

Start from the beginning

Or at least I'm trying to after spending an hour blubbering in Ludmila's arms.

LUDMILA WAS ALREADY at my apartment by the time arrived

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LUDMILA WAS ALREADY at my apartment by the time arrived.

When I called her, she could sense that there was something wrong, and there is nothing that could stop her from rushing to my aid. When I walk in, she runs to me and I instantly collapse into her arms. We lower down to the floor as she cannot hold my weight. I rest my head on her chest as the tears continue to stream down my face and I fail to get out a coherent sentence.

It was incredibly weak and pathetic to break down in front of somebody like that, but it was Ludmila. She had spent the last four years trying to convince me that it was good to feel, especially pain. When I cried, it showed that I had the strength to show my feelings and that I was unafraid of the reactions. She said that if somebody showed that emotion, it was attractive.

When I finally begin to regain my composure and can actually breath without hiccoughs, we move to the couch. We sit down and I lean on her and she clasps my hand with hers. I close my eyes and continue to exhale deeply to try and get rid of the lump in my throat. I wanted to get a better hold on my emotions before I explained everything or else I would break down again.

"Okay, what happened?"


I explain what happened a few hours ago as well as I can without wanting to cry again. Speaking about it brought all of the pain back. I struggled to breathe again as the weight of the hurt started to suffocate me. My heart was heavy as I forced to remind myself yet again that she was unhappy in our relationship and that I made her cheat because of my apparent lack of spending time with her.

I push the feeling of my heart being sliced up by the sharpest dagger to ever exist, the feeling of my back being pierced with a knife and the ache in my head from all of the crying to the back of my thoughts as I complete my narrative.

Ludmila's free hand was balled up in a fist. She was seething and her entire body had gone rigid. She took her phone and aggressively typed something on her screen.

"She's coming," Ludmila says, the fire in her eyes still blazing.

"What?" I exclaim and she finally turns to look at me again. Her expression softens.

"Go to your room when she's here, if you don't want to confront her, but I have to speak to her and I am not leaving you. I fucking knew she was up to something, but I never would have guessed this. I'm so sorry Leon." She hugs me and I feel her fist unclench.

It's another half an hours before Francesca arrives. I go to my bedroom, but stop by the wall to listen, my inquisitive nature overcoming me.

"Ludmila, I can explain." That's the first thing Francesca says as she enters.

"You probably can, but to be frank I could not give less of a shit. I am not interested in hearing more of your lies. You are a coward and a hypocrite. You hurt him in ways that are beyond your comprehension. To think you enjoyed your rendezvous with whatever-the-hell-his-name-is is disgusting.

"When I invited you to my wedding, I was open to the prospect of our mending our friendship. When you started toying with my brother's heart, the possibility lessened. Now, there is no chance in hell we will ever be able to get back to where we were. I deserve better than a guiltless liar for a best friend. Five years of bliss, Francesca. He has had five years of hell.

"You want to know the worst part of all of this? My dear brother will forgive you. You could never quite grasp how much he loved you. Despite his actions, he was entirely devoted to you. You were constantly on his mind and it tore at him to do what he did. I am not defending his actions, but I will defend his heart. No matter what you do, he will always come running back to you. So, tell me what will you do?" Ludmila's voice was void of any emotion other than pure hatred. I could practically feel the heat radiating from her body.

Francesca was crying now, and I could tell that this was not the first time today. In spite of my better judgement, I wanted to comfort her. Ludmila was starkly correct. I wanted to make her happy, I wanted to feel her and to be with her, even though I knew it was no longer an option.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to stop hurting him. He loves you and you have broken his heart. This will eat at him forever, but you would not understand the severity of that since you were not here," Ludmila sighs.

"He will come back to you. He always will."

So, what do you think? Is Ludmila right? Is Leon right for thinking that Ludmila is right? And what is Francesca going to do?

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So, what do you think? Is Ludmila right? Is Leon right for thinking that Ludmila is right? And what is Francesca going to do?

So, I'm getting ready for my next major plot point. And then a few chapters after that, we can start the wedding rehearsal and the actual wedding! I am honestly so excited to start writing that.

I hope you are enjoying this so far. Hopefully I can say that this is halfway through the book. Or maybe a little less than halfway? I don't really know, I need to do some proper planning.

Thanks for reading 🙈 Sorry for any errors 💚

~Lexy 😈

~Lexy 😈

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