Chapter 1

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A/N: Here's the first chapter! I really hope you enjoy! 

"So, Evergreen, what do you think of Elfman?" Bickslow asked. He and Mirajane were working on getting Elfman and Evergreen together. Freed and Lisanna decided to help, since they wanted the pair together, too.

"He's 'manly,'" Evergreen said sarcastically.

"He is, isn't he?" Lisanna squealed, oblivious to the sarcasm. Freed and Mirajane were busy with Elfman.

"Seriously, Evergreen," Bickslow said, rolling his eyes, even though no one could see it behind his helmet.

Evergreen gave in, sighing.

"I guess he's alright. He's kinda cute, when he's not talking about being 'a man.' He's super strong. But that's it."

"Really? What do you look for in a guy?" Lisanna asked.

"He can't be a loser. He has to know how to care for a fairy. And he has to be extremely handsome and sexy," the fairy mage said dreamily.

"Okay then....thanks, Ever! C'mon, Lis!" Bickslow grabbed Lisanna's arm and dragged her away.

"Wait! Why do you ask?" Evergreen asked. They were already gone.

They were up to something. And it was really suspicious.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the guild, Freed and Mirajane were doing the same with Elfman.

"What do you think of Evergreen?" Mira asked.

"She's not really a man. She's beautiful, though. And she makes a good fairy. And she can fight. Maybe she is a man."

"Um, no, I don't think-" Freed began, but was interrupted by Mira.

"Never mind. What do you look for in a girl?"

"She has to be a real man!" Elfman declared.

Mirajane and Freed just stared at him.

"Th-that's it?" Freed stammered, shocked.

"Yup? What more do you need?" Elfman said cheerfully.

"Well, she should be smart, kind, beautiful-" Freed was once again interrupted by Mira.

"And a lot of other things, for some people. But we have what we need, so lets go! Bye, Elf!"

"Bye." Elfman watched as the rune mage was dragged away by his big sister.

'What was that about?' he wondered to himself.


"So, what did you find out?" Mira asked. They were sitting in the Strauss living room.

"Ever thinks that Elfman's annoying, strong and cute." Bickslow leaned back, thinking. "What about you two?"

"We found out that Elfman thinks Ever is a man. A beautiful man," Freed said with a frown.

"He doesn't mean it like it sounds. So they obviously are at least interested in each other. I think we need to get them closer," Lisanna announced.

"I think you're right. But what should we do?" Mira looked around at the others,who shrugged.

"How about sending them on a mission together? Not anything dangerous, but not too simple either. Something they'd have to work together to take care of," Freed suggested.

"Good idea, Freed. Any suggestions?"

"How about pick out a mission for them, but not let them find it until all other missions have been taken?"

"No, too hard," Mirajane said, frowning slightly. "Wait, I have an idea."


"So, you need me to do what?" Evergreen asked.

"A friend of mine needs my help, but I couldn't take his job request because I'll be busy. I need you to do it for me. You can even have the money," Bickslow said.

"Why not have Freed do it?" she whined, eyes scanning for her friend who was, ironically, nowhere to be seen.

"He said he would, but he already had a mission for that day." Bickslow pouted. "C'mon, pretty please, Ever? I really need your help."

Evergreen rolled her eyes. "Whatever, sure." Bickslow grinned, triumphant.

"Awesome! You're the best!"

"So what do I need to do?"

"Just guard his house while he goes somewhere tomorrow night. It pays 45,000J," Bickslow replied, handing her the request form.

"It's says that two people are needed?"

"Yeah, but the other person's been taken care of."

"Who is it?"

"Dunno." Bickslow shrugged.

"Great, I'll be working with someone I don't know? Perfect. You owe me, big time."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks Ever!" Bickslow bounded off.

'Better be glad you're a friend, or I'd kill you,' Evergreen thought, annoyed.


"So you need me to help you out? Sure, sis." Elfman looked at the request form he'd been handed.

"Says I need a partner. A real man can work alone!"

"Well, The partner has already been picked. So you won't have to worry about that."

"Alright! Sounds manly!" Elfman said, smiling.

"Thanks, little brother!" Mirajane walked off. Elfman shrugged, turning to walk off himself.


"So how did it go?" Lisanna asked. She had been reading a book Freed had given her to keep her from being bored. And watch Freed practice with his magic.

"Well, Elf obviously didn't take much convincing. He's in," Mira announced.

"Ever took A LOT of convincing. But she's in."

"Wonderful. Now we wait," Freed said.

Waiting was going to be the most difficult part.

A/N: I know it's short, but I want to do each story in three parts. Plan, action, and result. Part one is Plan. Next time we send them on the mission!

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