"Thank you, Daddy"

"You're very welcome, bug"

(^Name them)

The day of the twins party was stressful for everyone. Casey was finally OK enough to leave the house, but that didn't stop him from whining about the suit he was forced to wear.

Justin was nervous about the song, because this would be the first time he wrote a song about something and sang it directly to the people he wrote about. He wrote it party to the girls, but he also wrote it partly to Casey, and not knowing how both parties would react, made him twice as nervous.

Kelsey and the twins mother, Grace, were worried about last minute details, and things they couldn't possibly plan of.

They twins themselves were worried about being fifteen. In their culture turning fifteen means becoming a woman. They're grandmother will expect them to be responsible for everything their mother can't be, and they don't want that weight on their shoulders.

Now as the time near, and they all head out, everyone was excited. The twins and Casey rode in the backseat, chatting endlessly about what it's like to be considered an adult.

"The thing is though, I'm 17 and I'm still not considered an adult by anyone, you two are turning 15 and going to be considered adults by your entire community" Casey complained.

"Yes but that means we have to start helping more around the house and community, along with balancing everything else" Mia replied.

"Aren't you latino aswell?" Sophie asked.

"Half Hispanic, my mother was part irish, part white, so my mom was the whitest of whites, while my father was full Latino" Casey explained.

"Ah," both girls mumbled.

"If it makes you feel better Case, I don't consider them anything more than my two little babies" Kelsey smiled back from the passenger seat.

"Kelsey!" Mia whined

"Ah! No whining in my car!" Justin exclaimed.

"Yeah, I've done it enough over the past two weeks for this whole car"

"alright, dorks we're here" Justin announced, pulling into a parking spot, and turning the car off, they all began piling out but Justin stayed, "Casey waiting a second" Casey turned around, and looked at him.

Once everyone was out and walking towards the building, Justin finally spoke.

"There are going to be a lot of people here, and if by chance you get too overwhelmed, we can take a breather" He told the boy, he took one of his hands, "and if you can't find me, just tell kelsey or one of the girls you're going to the hall, alright?"

"Ok" Casey smiled at his boyfriend's concern, and kissed his hand.

"I love you, baby"

"I love you too Jay"

And with that they both got out of the car.

When they entered the ball room, everything was beautiful. The tables were centered with flowers, and there was a natural blue purple theme. Kelsey was helping set out sliverware while the twins changed into their dresses.

They didn't have them in the car, in fear of something happening to them during the journey, and the space in Justin's small car.

"Justin!" A woman exclaimed. coming over and hugging the boy.

"Hello, Grace" Justin smiled hugging her.

"I'm so happy you could make it"

"Me too" He smiled.

Daddy's little bug (discontinued, see description)Where stories live. Discover now