Chapter One: The two girls meet

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Joy is working at a lingerie store and her friend Hyoyeon hours away from closing the store. A few seconds later, a girl named Rin walked in the shop and is trying to find three sets of lingerie but can't find any in her size.


Hyoyeon: Joy, what are you doing? Go and help her.
Joy: Why should I have to?
Hyoyeon: Because that's your job. Helping people. Now go help her.
Joy: Okay, but before I do, don't you think that girl looks like she's into a girl like me?
Hyoyeon: I don't know but it's your chance for you to have a new roommate. And she seems homeless as well too. And has no children. I feel bad for her.
Joy: Oh yeah, she'll be a perfect roommate. It's been like three months since I moved into my new house. She can help pay rent and a lot of other things.
Hyoyeon: Speaking of help. *Both Joy and Hyoyeon look at the lonely girl who is walking up to them finding a fitting bra size.*
Rin: Hi Hyoyeon unnie and Joy unnie
my name is Jung Byeolrin but call me Rin if you want, can one of you help me find a bra because not one lingerie set fits me.
Joy: What's your bra size?
Rin: I'm a 38DD
Joy: Okay Hyoyeonie is going to size you and I'll find the sets that want okay?
Hyoyeon: Come here sweetie let me size you.
Rin: Okay. So um Hyoyeon unnie, is she your friend?
Hyoyeon: Yeah, but I love her a lot. No we're not dating, she's like a sister to me.
Rin: Oh, I was asking because she keeps staring at me. Joy unnie seems so nice to people.
Hyoyeon: She also doesn't have much friends.
Rin: But aren't you her friend Hyoyeon unnie?
Hyoyeon: Well I'm her sister-in-law
My fiancé is Jay Park.
Hyoyeon: *smiles* Joy is looking for a roommate, you can move in with her.
Rin: She is cute though. I would love to live with her and I'm basically homeless.
Hyoyeon: Here comes Joy with three sets of lingerie.
*Joy comes back with the matching bra and panties lingerie*
Joy: Here you go sweetheart.
Rin: Wait, you're giving this to me for free?
Joy: I bought it already. So it's all yours now *winks*
Rin: Joy unnie, you look familiar. I saw you at the park sitting on the bench reading a book.
Joy: Yes that was me.
Rin: So when can I live with you?
Joy: Oh it can be now. Just wait a minute. My friend might come over tonight.
Hyoyeon: Joy, I can't tonight.
Joy: Oh why?
Hyoyeon: Because Jay needs me over there and he's going to work in about an hour and Jisung was in a fight today with someone from his school. So I really need to go over there.
Joy: Don't you live there?
Hyoyeon: Yeah. I'm closing the store now so you guys need to hurry up.  
Joy: Okay let me get my things and I'll leave and Rin you're coming with me okay.
Rin: Okay, it was really nice meeting you Hyoyeon unnie. *Rin waves goodbye to Hyoyeon*
Hyoyeon: Nice meeting you too. *she smiles.*
Rin: So Joy unnie let's go now before she locks us in here.
Joy: I have to drive her home.
Rin: Oh okay
Hyoyeon: It's really not far. I live about an hour away from Joy. I live with Joy's brothers.
Rin: I wanna meet your brothers one day Joy unnie.
Joy: Oh honey, you'll meet them soon. Oh and I have something to tell you.
Rin: If you're going ask me to move in with you then yes unnie I will love that.
Joy: I kinda like you.
Rin: Okay unnie, let's get to know each other first. I just broke up with my boyfriend, and I really need some time to relax.
Joy: *she nodded* Hyoyeon unnie. Are you ready yet?
Hyoyeon: You girls can leave, I'll be there in a few minutes. I just need something to eat.
Joy: We were going to stop at a Japanese restaurant.
Hyoyeon: Oh okay, I'm ready to go now.
Joy: Alright let's go.
Hyoyeon: I'll text Chanyeol and let him know that I'm coming home in about an hour or so.
Rin: You're brother is Park Chanyeol? That's so cool. I feel like I've met him before.
Hyoyeon: He's friends with Sehun.

The girls leaves the store and ride in Joy's car to the Japanese store in town.
Once they arrived, the girls walked in and sat down at the far end of the restaurant.


Hyoyeon: Wow! Everything looks so good. Can't wait to eat.
*The male waiter walks over to the girls and gives them the food.*
Waiter: Here's your food you lovely ladies. I hope you enjoy your meal for the night.
Joy: Hold on a minute, I swear I know you. *she looks at the name tag.* Oh wait, Jooheon! Omo! I didn't recognize you until I heard your voice.
Jooheon: Awwww Joy. So who are your friends?
Joy: Well you already know Hyoyeon.
And this is Byeolrin, she's going to be my new roommate.
Jooheon: Hi Rin I'm Jooheon the badass aegyo rapper. I hope to see you around.
Joy: She's quite a fan as you can tell. I just met her today by the way.
Hyoyeon: So how's your day Jooheon?
Jooheon: Well I went to so see this movie with Chanyeol and Jin, I admit, it made me laugh my ass off. And then we went to the mall, and bought some video games and we plan until we were bored. And right now I'm working part time.
Rin: Wow this is the best day of my life. I can't believe I just met one of my favorite idols.
Jooheon: She's so cute Joy how did you even meet a beautiful girl like her?
Joy: Jooheon, I told you. I just met her today.
Jooheon: Oh sorry.
Joy: Don't apologize, sometimes people need to hear it more than once.
Hyoyeon: Okay I need to get going now. My house is like 10-15 minutes away from here. Joy, Rin, I'll text either of you girls tomorrow okay?
Joy: Okay. See you tomorrow unnie.
*Hyoyeon walks out the restaurant and take the short way home.*
Joy: Rin baby, we should leave too. It's getting late and besides I'm tired.
Jooheon: Yeah I should be going too. I'm staying over at Jin's place tonight.
So I'll see you guys sometime tomorrow.
Joy: That sounds good to me. Come on Rin, let's go to my place. And trust me, you're going to love it.
Rin: Is it big?
Joy: Like I said, you are going to love it.
*The two girls walks out of the restaurant and goes inside the car.*
Joy: Hey Rin, can I ask you something?
Rin: Sure unnie, what is it?
Joy: Do you like men or women?
Rin: Well I just got over a break up and my ex, he didn't love me and he only wanted sex so that's why I broke up with him. And yes I do like women now. What about you unnie?
Joy: I've never dated anyone. I just wanted to find that special someone.
Rin: You've never had a boyfriend?
Joy: I'm not interested in men. I feel like with another woman, we feel a connection through our minds and our feelings. That's why I rather be with a woman. Oh and Rin, how old are you?
Rin: I'm nineteen years old unnie.
Joy: And you're birthday is in September right?
Rin: Yeah it's September 1st.
Joy: *gasps* That's so cool. My favorite color is a dark green with black and white.
Rin: My favorites are Red and royal blue with black as well. I hate bugs and anything that will kill me. I don't wear a lot of make up. And I want someone to love me for me.
Joy: Well Rin, I am available.
Rin: I know. Let's start now.
Joy: Start what now?
Rin: Going out, I can't wait any longer unnie.
Joy: Oh my god my dream is coming true. Okay so where do you wanna go right now?
Rin: Shopping for new clothes, I need some more. And maybe after that, I need my nails done.
Joy: I can do your nails. I went to school for it. And you don't have to pay me, it's for free.
Rin: Oh my god finally something is for free.
Joy: Wanna go now or tomorrow?
Rin: We can go tomorrow. I'm tired as hell right now and I need to sleep.
Joy: Me too. I have some cookies at my house, want some?
Rin: Sure unnie I would love that. Now let's go home and rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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