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Mekenna Finley Taylor knew from the age of twelve that her mother was sick, she knew that if she died before her eighteenth birthday, then Mekenna Finley Taylor would have to face her biggest fear and that was living with her father. Mekenna didn't know much about her father.  In fact, Mekenna had seen her father a total of two times in her life both of which she did not consciously remember. Jackson Taylor had no idea that his high school sweetheart was sick, he did however know that he had a daughter with her, in fact, Jackson Taylor had quite a few daughters. Mekenna was the only one who wasn't living with him that is until now.

Mekenna sat in the passenger seat of her social worker's mini van silently watching trees pass as Sharon drove.

"Mekenna this drive will go much faster if you talk."Sharon sighs.

"Well excuse me if I don't feel like talking," Mekenna mumbled.

"Mekenna I know that you're upset but please try to keep an open mind." Sharon frowns.

"Keep an open mind? You want me to keep an open mind that's rich" Mekenna scoffs "How in the hell am I supposed to keep an open mind when I just found out that not am I only moving in with this man who calls himself my father but I'm moving in with him and his five daughters, who by the way have lived with him their entire lives and hate me." Mekenna shouts.

"Mekenna! I know this is unexpected but your grandmother didn't pass her psych exam we can't let you move in with her." Sharon sighs calmly at the teen beside her.

"So you move me in with six complete strangers explain to me where that makes any sense these people are not my family I barely know them!" Mekenna yells.

"Mekenna Finley! I know you don't like this hell I don't even like this but don't yell at me over something that's out of my control, he is your dad." Sharon frowns.

"My father, not my dad if he was a dad he would have been there for my first words and steps and my birthdays for Christmas and first heartbreak he isn't a dad not to me." The red head growls.

"Please don't start with the attitude Mekenna today is stressful enough."  Sharon sadly sighs.

"I've never met these people, and I've seen this man twice both times I don't remember so excuse me if I get an attitude." Mekenna snaps looking out of her window again.

After five minutes of staring out the window Mekenna sighs and turns back to Sharon. "I'm sorry I know she was your best friend, It's selfish of me to not think about how you're feeling." Mekenna sighs.

"Mekenna I know that this is less than desirable but please just give Jackson a try,  I know you are mad at him and you have every right to be considering the facts, but in order for you to have a chance at living with your Nana you have to make this work while your grandmother gets her self together. Please Mekenna just hang in there."  Sharon sighed.

"I promise Sharon I will try my hardest to get along with them." Mekenna smiled sadly taking Sharon's hand in her own.

"Good because we are here." Sharon sadly smiled.

Mekenna looked out the windshield and saw her father and his five girls standing outside a large white house along with two other people she didn't know. Mekenna sighed before unbuckling her seat belt and following Sharon out of the mini van.  Mekenna grabs her duffle bag and suit case from the trunk of the van before walking around the front of the van and stopping just before she got to the group of people.  Mekenna watched as her father took a step forward and unintentionally Mekenna took a step back.

Jackson frowned and reached his hand towards Mekenna, "Kenna come on." Jackson smiles at his daughter.

"Don't call me that you haven't earned that right." Mekenna frowned stepping back again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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