Chapter 4

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The next morning, I woke up tucked into my bed. I thought that was strange, at least, I did until I remembered what had happened last night. The memory of Calvin knocking on my door was etched into my memory.

I looked around the room and saw it was empty. My laptop, which I thought I had in my bed last night, was placed on my desk on the other side of the room. I didn't remember how it got there.

Was it all just a dream? Did I make the whole Calvin coming alive up in my head as I slept? Yes, I must've. It makes more sense and makes me sound less crazy. My dad must have come in after he came home to check on me. He was the one who tucked me in and placed my laptop on my desk.

I sat up in bed and I ran my hands over my face to wake myself up. It didn't work as well as I hoped it did. Slowly, I kicked my feet over the bed and placed them on the floor, but the floor wasn't as furry as I remembered it to be. I looked down and nearly screamed.

There was a leg poking out from underneath a blanket. I scrambled back into my bed and banged my back off the wall. Calvin wasn't a dream and I had a dead guy on the floor underneath a Hello Kitty blanket. I heard a groan come from down below, and a second later Calvin's head popped up over my bed.

"Did you step on me?" Calvin asked in a daze. My heart was pounding, and my breaths were hitched. He noticed this, and he stood and placed the back of his hand on my forehead. "Are you feeling ill?"

I blinked and shook my head. "No, it's just...I thought last night was a dream."

"Yes, I understand as well," he started to say. "It's strange, being here now. Everything scares me. Like that strange food you gave me and that thing you call a shower."

I nod in agreement. I believed him when he said everything scared him. It worries me though if it's too much for him to handle.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him as I change the subject.

Calvin looked down and placed his hand on his stomach. "Yes" he says.

I nod before pushing myself off the bed. It was eleven, and my father was at work, so I knew no one would be down stairs. Calvin followed behind me as I led the way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Do you like eggs?" I asked as I opened the fridge.

"Yes.I'll go get us some. Is the coop in the back of the house?" he asked as he pointed to the back door.

I chuckled before pulling out a carton of eggs out of the fridge. "I have them here."

"Then I'll go and milk the cow, then," he offered but I shook my head no.

"Go have a seat" I tell him as I motioned him to the dining room. "I'll be in there in a few minutes."

I watch Calvin disappear into the next room. He walked around the house carefully, like if at any moment something will pop out. As I started cooking, I noticed that it had stopped raining. I looked closer at the window and everything looked dry and not flooded. That was strange. Normally everything should still be soaked. It was like it didn't happen.

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