chapter 2

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Claudia's POV

I woke up realising I had school today

I got up and dressed into this

I got up and dressed into this

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I didn't wear any makeup

Me and the girls went downstairs for breakfast 🍳☕🍞

After we were done we went to school


Ari's POV

We were walking down the hallway when the principal called my name

The first thought that came to mind was

Shit some stupid bitch told on me 😖

I gulped and looked back at my friends, They mouthed good luck and I nodded

I followed the principal to the office

Principal- Ariaana, I would like you to show around a new student. Could you?

Me- sure?

Principal- GREAT!  His name is Shawn Mendes

I nod

Then a boy comes through the door

Principal- oh and he's right in time! Shawn meet Ariaana, she will be showing you around our school

He nods

The principal gives him his schedule and we walk away

Shawn- how old are you?

Me- 16 , you?

Shawn- 17

I nod

I show him around and we get to know each other


After ari left we went to the cafeteria

We didn't really eat anything since school food is shit. We only drank the Apple juice

Sawyer and some other guys come over to us

Sawyer- hey do you have food?

I pass him my biscuits and gravy that the school "made"

Sawyer- I mean real food

Me- oh, then no

Shawn's POV

After that girl Ariana showed me around some guys came over to me

?? -hey my name is Cameron Dallas. Would you like your eat lunch with us?

Me- sure.

?? -hey I'm Matthew Espinosa

I wave

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