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You see long time ago. Their was a princess named Allura, and a nother princess from a planet that was long distroyed named Leila. They grew up together. Leila was a race that was part fox. Their fur came in many colors and their hair matched most of the time. You see when they match completely then they are the most powerful. Just like Leila's fur and hair. They were completely dark brown. Leila soon beveloped the power of combustion. Its like fire but it explodes with fire.

Allura and Leila learned about 7 lions that they would one day protect. They were red, blue, green, yellow, black, gold, and silver.

The gold lion took a liking to Leila. She became the gold paladin. Along with others paladin. But one day the castle was attacked. Leila, , and Corran was put into cryofreeze and waited until their slumber was over.

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