Pumped Up Kicks

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>>Type: action/dream/mild horror/song-based<< 290 words >>
Pumped Up Kicks- Foster The People


My breath hitched in my throat as I ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I scrambled for somewhere other than here.
A stream of people were running alongside me. I was finding it hard to run in such a crowd.

"He has a gun!"

The warning being too late, as I heard the sound of a gun echo off the walls. I winced and tried to hurry my pace.
The gun fired off again.
The school grounds were half empty as the kids scrambled out.
I saw the exit come into a view, I smiled in relief.
A few moments later it was just me and a few more of my friends. I ran closer to the doors of freedom, only to find that I couldn't move. The rising panic built up in the pit of my stomach.
Another fire of the gun.
"Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
I tried to run for the exit, only to find that I'm still not moving. I looked back up at the doors, they're getting further away.
I could hear the footsteps of the gunman. They were getting closer.

All the other kids, with the pumped up kicks.....

I try and run, but I still couldn't move. I gasp in terror to see my friends lying in pools of blood. Sadness and horror welled in my throat.
My legs moved faster, but I stayed in my previous position.
"Please! Anyone! Help me!"

Better run better run..

Another gunshot echoed off the walls. I didn't need to turn around to see where this one was going.

Faster than my bullet...

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