Warmth In The Heart

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Maeko and Aoyama had quickly ran to his... House. Quite large place actually. Aoyama had grabbed her hand before they started running incase she slowed down. Right now, they were both technically holding hands.

Maeko had a slight tint of pink dusted across her cheeks. But she ran with him anyway. When they got to the door, he pulled out a key and opened it. She had hesitated on going inside, as she was completely soaked. "Come inside, Mademoiselle. You can dry up in the bathroom." Aoyama reassured her. Maeko nodded and walked inside before glancing around.

The blonde lightly took her hand and led her to the bathroom. "Here. Use the towel in there. You have permission to use anything in there." He said before walking off. Maeko went inside and shut the door. She took off her school uniform and rung out her hair in the towel. She was a bit muddy from falling onto the concrete, so she took a quick shower.

Maeko dried herself off with the towel before wrapping it around her as a cover. She creaked the door a tiny bit open. "H-Hey, Aoyama? I dont have anything to wear..." She called out. Aoyama came back. His eyes widened as he realized she was only wearing a towel and quickly looked away. "I-I'll grab you s-something." He mumbled before running off again.

Maeko blushed in embarrassment as she was ussally quite privet about anyone seeing her like this. She waited patiently till Aoyama came back with a shirt and some sweatpants. He handed them to her while still trying not to look. Thankfully, the moment the clothing was in her hand/paw she shut the door and put them on. The shirt was slightly big on her but she didn't really care.

Maeko came out with her hair still a tiny bit damp. Her cat ears were flattened against her head. Aoyama held her backpack. It was dryish. "Sorry Mademoiselle. Alot of the papers ripped from being wet. We can ask Aizawa-Sensei for some copies tomorrow." He said before setting the bag down.

Maeko yawned a tiny bit. Aoyama noticed and a small smile spread across his face. "Why dont you stay the night? I checked outside while you were changing and its hailing now." He told her. The peach girl nodded. "That'd be nice. But do you have a phone I could borrow? If I stay the night I'd have to tell my sisters were I am." She explained.

Aoyama cocked his head a tiny bit. "I do... But wouldnt your parents need to know?" He accidently hit a subject she didnt want to talk about. He didnt realize it. "They must be worr-" He was cut off by Maeko rubbing her eyes to stop from being her sensitive self. "T-They never cared... Only me and my sisters... My parents were almost completely out of the picture..." She mumbled while still rubbing her eyes.

Her breathing uneven by trying not to cry. 'This is so embarrassing! First, he sees me in almost nothing. And now hes going to see me cry!! I'd rather be walking out in the hail...' She thought to herself. Aoyama noticed how she was acting and walked up to her. Maeko expected to be yelled at like anyone would to her.

But instead, he pulled her close with his arms wrapped around her, embracing the small girl in a hug. "Mademoiselle... It's okay to cry. I apologize for bringing up that topic. And yes, when you want I'll let you call your family." He said softly. Maeko hugged him back. He was warm to her. His heat showing he was there for her made her feel a bit better.

Awile later, she did make the call home to her two big sisters, Kokoa and Rumi. They said it was fine as long as she doesn't leave the house and into the hail. Now Aoyama and Maeko were sitting on his couch while chatting. She yawned again. "I'll go get you a blanket." Aoyama told her before getting up and leaving to a different room. Maeko really didnt care and kinda just fell asleep in a little ball on the couch.

Aoyama came back to find the small cat like girl fast asleep. He smiled fondly and gently picked her up, careful to not wake her. She didnt weigh much, so he just carried her to his room and set her on the bed. He put the blankets over her and was about to leave before glancing at her again.

Maeko was still curled up in a little ball. But one of her cat ears were flopped infront of her face. It was adorable. Aoyama could hold back a tiny awe. He went to kiss her on the forehead.

But nope.

Maeko moved her head while she was asleep at that exact moment. And Aoyama found himself kissing her on the lips. He blushed intensely and panicked before quickly leaving the room and shutting the door quietly. He leaned against the wall in another room before slidding down. He was a blushing mess. His heart seemed to be fluttering. 'I kissed her I kissed her I kissed her' Was all that went through his mind at the moment while Maeko was still sound asleep.

·I love fluff so much! I couldn't hold back NOT letting this be their first kiss. Its too cute not to be. ;w;

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