I looked at the building which looked as if it was abandoned. It looked pretty shady and I looked over at Harry who was staring at me.

"W-what are you staring at?" I asked him nervously.

My heart started pounding rapidly. Was this truly happening to me? Did he just bring me out here to kill me?

"You, you're stunning" He said.

His answer calmed me down a bit. He doesn't look too crazy does he? I studied him a little. He doesn't look like a killer although he had a killer side profile.

"Now what are you staring at?" He crossed his arms while smirking.

"Umm...nothing" I looked back at the strange building.

"Shall we go in?" He stood right beside me.

"What is this?" I scrunched my nose.

"Secret club, they only let you in when you walk in with a hot guy" He winked.

"Ohhh... so who did you first walk in with?" I tried to stifle a laugh.

"Funny" He gave me a sarcastic look.

He bit his lip and took my hand and we started walking towards the entrance. I tried to pull my hand away but, he only held my hand tighter.

He knocked on the door three times and a click was heard. Suddenly we were able to see the eyes of a man who was on the other side.

"Styles" He said before the clicking sound was heard and the door was fully opened.

There was man who looked about 30 and he had several tattoos on his arms. He had light brown hair and a piercing on the corner of his eyebrow.

Harry walked in and I followed although our hands were intertwined.

"It's nice to see you again Harry. Who's this?" The same man gave me a sly smile.

"This is Madison, a good friend of mine" He put his hand on my back and pushed me towards him so that my stomach was against his side.

"Ahh I see, it's been a pleasure" He made direct eye contact with me and I nodded.

The man turned on his heel and walked away. Harry let go and turned towards me.

"People can get very friendly here" He mentioned.

He continued walking down the halls and I thought about how weird of a club it was. There wasn't music blasting loudly or anything but, it's only the morning so I guess that justifies it.

Although this doesn't really look like a club too. The hallway we were currently walking in was super long and there were many people crossing where there was an intersection.

"Harry what type of club is this? It doesn't look like a club" I looked up at him.

"Madison if you ask me another question I think I'm going to have to shoot myself" He told me and I laughed.

I guess I was asking a lot of questions. Could you blame me, I was being curious.

We came across this really huge swimming pool and I gaped at the size of it. When I say huge, I mean humongous!

"Let's hop in yeah?" He asked me.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit" I waved it off.

"Skinny dipping" He said.

"No no no no no no" I kept repeating.

"I'm only kidding love, there is this little shop around the corner where you can get one. Just give the cashier my name and he'll put it on my tab and I forbid you to object for me paying" He said.

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