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"Come on, Sami! You can do it, just think how good you'll look for your soon-to-be-wife," Finn yelled in Sami's ear as he lifted the weights again.

"Finn, this shit it brutal, please explain why you do this for a living?" Sami asked out of breath.

His mistake.

"Focus and lift your weights! After this we move to the hardcore ab workout," Finn said, removing his shirt.

Sami sighed as he looked at his best friend. He didn't know how Finn did this for a living. They were in Finn's apartment, as he was the fitness crazed one. Sami had been meaning to ask him to be his best man at his wedding.

However, with Finn drilling these workouts into his head, he had been forgetting lately.

"Finn, I need to ask you something," Sami said and Finn gave him a look. "It's serious."

Finn nodded and Sami dropped the weights. Sami wiped his forehead with the back oh his hand, looking at Finn.

"What's up?" Finn asked as he threw Sami a bottle of water.

"Well, I wanted to know if you'd be my best man at my wedding?"

Finn almost choked on the water he had been drinking from. He thought Sami was kidding, but Finn could tell from his face that he wasn't.

"Absolutely, lad, I'd be honored," Finn answered, his Irish accent thick as he spoke.

Sami smiled and hugged his best friend. He remembered the day they had met. Finn needed physical therapy because he had pulled an arm muscle while doing one of his vigorous workouts. Sami was forever grateful that he had met Finn.

"Are you excited to get married?" Finn asked, cleaning up his apartment.

"Yeah, I guess," Sami started as he looked at Finn. "Don't get me wrong, I love Becky and all, but when we tie the knot, that's it. We'll be stuck together forever."

Finn nodded, before thinking of something. "Well, you could always file for divorce."

Sami slapped his Irish friend on the shoulder, as Finn laughed. Sami was happy to get married, and happy that Finn was going to be by his side while it all happened.

Sami finished off his water and then chucked his empty bottle in the trash can. He then headed out of Finn's apartment and into the streets of New York City.

Sami was still skeptical on Becky's choice of a winter, Christmas wedding. He figured people would be too busy to come, or have a lot on their plate with the holiday. However, almost everyone they had invited already called and said they'd be there.

Well, except for Bayley.

Bayley was one of Becky's best friends, and Sami knew that. However, Sami also knew what happened at Bayley's own wedding. Becky was still hoping her best friend would show up.

Finn Bálor cleaned up his equipment after Sami had left. He stacked his weights and then vacuumed his floor. Finn had always been more of a neat freak than Sami, but he didn't care.

Finn was excited for Sami's wedding, as he always knew that one day Sami and Becky would tie the knot. Finn was also excited to be Sami's best man. The two had been friends for a while now, going on three years, and Sami was for sure Finn's best friend.

Finn headed out to see some Christmas sights in NYC. After he had showered, he put on a wrestling shirt, his favorite thing to watch on TV. He grabbed his jacket, and then locked his apartment door.

The air was cold as Finn walked around the streets of New York. He was beyond excited for Sami and Becky's wedding in a few weeks. Finn had known Sami for many years and he couldn't believe that his best friend was finally getting married.

Finn couldn't lie, he was a little jealous of Sami sometimes, as he always wanted to have a wife and eventually kids. Finn knew that the time would come, but he wanted to settle down soon.

He ordered his coffee from Starbucks on the street corner, and then went back out into the streets. Finn was excited for the Christmas season, as it was his favorite holiday, and he loved the holiday season.


Hey guys! This is the second chapter, getting to know Finn. The next chapter there will be more interaction between the two, so stay tuned!!

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