9. Rules

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"Rules are there for a reason."

During his childhood Daiki never found himself questioning the rules of the Shimuzu clan. The power the elders wielded was never challenged which he in turn took as a fact of life, yet the Shimuzu heir thought of his future asset in stone. Nothing changed regarding his relationships within the vast kinship network stemming from years of linages, but no inkling made him think there was something else outside of what the elders planned for him.

The turning point was when he went away for college. Daiki found himself tasting freedom like he never had. At first, he kept the strict routine expected of him, but then met a scarlet-haired female with a fiery spirit he found himself falling in love with. Where once the idea of eloping seemed like an act of childish rebellion he found marrying Robin an act testifying to his love for her. He felt as if they could make a life away from the clan.

Yet, his actions didn't go unnoticed and somehow the elders found out. The fact he cut ties with the clan and tried making his own way proved problematic due to one of the clan rules being one didn't ever cut ties, but as the heir to the headship he was expected even more to follow the rules. Also, against the rules was marrying for love which meant his actions were majorly taboo. The elders never put up with any taboo.

The marriage bliss shattered into a thousand pieces when his uncle showed up. His father's brother held quite a bit of sway over the other elders in the clan, yet somehow managed to place pressure on Daiki and Robin until he got what he wanted. As such the couple divorced soon after their son Sebastian was born leaving her to raise the boy on their own; his uncle made it quite clear the clan wanted nothing to do with a misbegotten child on Daiki's part.

While Sebastian didn't exist in the eyes of the clan, he did exist in the eyes of Daiki.

Sebastian was his son, and his son was important. As such Daiki sought to spend time with the child outside of the purview of the clan. He found Sebastian enjoyed exploring and adventuring as much as Daiki did, yet he never found himself able to introduce his first born to any of the places he frequented as a child. Instead, he found himself taking Sebastian to places such as Aosta Valley. Sebastian liked the cold weather activities far more than the non-cold weather activities.

Yet, somehow, he still grew apart from the boy. When Sebastian became old enough to decide whether he wanted to visit his father the answer became a resounding no. His son never gave any reason why, nor did Daiki push for an answer. He believed though that Sebastian should have the freedom he never got, and thus Daiki went quite a few years without seeing Sebastian let alone hearing how his firstborn was doing.

In fact, he wasn't expecting to see Sebastian again, yet found himself sitting in a ski lodge with his oldest child from his second marriage staring up at the rather shocked look on Sebastian's face.


"Sebastian, what are you doing here?" Daiki watched Sebastian's eyes drift over towards Ichiro.

"I... is this some kind of sick joke?" The way Sebastian's face twisted up reminded Daiki of how Robin became angry.

"I'm sorry I got you to come out here on false premises, but how else I'd get the chance to meet you."

"I don't see why." Sebastian looked away at that point.

"I am not understanding what is going on here."

"He told me you were dead and that he was going to spread your ashes whether I came or not." Sebastian took a deep breath. "I told him I didn't give a crap."

Daiki frowned. "Then why are you here?"

"None of your business. None of either of your business."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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