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Luna's pov

So today my 'mum' told me I'm old enough to move out but not mature enough to to live on my own

What does that even mean

Like I know you don't like me but kicking me out isn't right

She said that I will be staying at her friends house until i earn enough money to get my own house

Since when did my mum have friends what the hell

Anyways I started packing my bags and by tomorrow I will be gone

~ skip to tomorrow ~

It was around 10:00 am when I woke up and I got ready to live with the people that had accepted me to live with them surprisingly

I wore this

( I changed the outfit since yall kept crying about the other one, yall can imagine something else tho 🙄🖐️)

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( I changed the outfit since yall kept crying about the other one, yall can imagine something else tho 🙄🖐️)

when i was ready, the people that were going to pick me up came and i went downstairs dragging my suitcase behind me

its strange that i'm leaving the house i grew up in, all the good and bad memory's i had in this house.

my life is going great right now.

i don't even know the people i'm going to be staying with, for all i know they could be some psycho people adopting me because you never know who your low life mother is friends with

We arrived in front of their house and damn it wasn't a freaking house it was a mansion

We walked in and Mrs Connor, which by the way is her name told me where my room was

I walked up the long set of stairs and into my room and may I add this room was freaking huge

I already know I'm gonna like it here


First official chapter what dya guys think

Lots of love ~ s

Living With The Bad Boy ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora