As She Grew Up

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But as she grew up, her friends all grew cold
So she twisted her life just to fit in their mould
Now her biggest fear is that she'll be rejected
She'll try anything to feel loved and accepted

She posts photos on Instagram, hoping that now
Her body attracts what her heart can't somehow
Slowly turning herself into something she's not
Desperate for anyone to think that she's hot

But the love that she craves has never come through
And the dreams she once held just haven't come true
If you ask how she is, she'll say that she's fine
She disguises it well but she's dying inside

'Cause deep down she knows that she is not bold
She puts on her fake smile while she bleeds
On the outside she'll build so her life will seem filled
But on the inside she's never complete

Though we try not to show it, and all try to fix it
In our hearts we're all broken but no one admits it
They say that it's what's on the inside that counts
We all put on a brave face but on the inside we doubt

We're all scared of the world, we don't know what we're facing
We're longing for something but don't know what we're chasing
Though we face the same things that burden and break us
We all look to each other for some feeling of status

We want people to view us, to follow and like
To favourite our looks and subscribe to our life
We treat retweets like morphine to cover the hurt
Of our friendless existence when our phone doesn't work

We're all grasping at glory and craving acclaim
It's the fuel in our tank, it's the drug in our veins
And soon as it's gone, our heart hits the floor
And we run to self-pity 'til our egos find more

Everyone out there keeps searching around
Just to find the right pill to pick them up when they're down
And we try our best, but we fail our own test
We pretend that we're swimming while we drown

Because deep down we all know that we are not bold
We put on our fake smiles while we bleed
On the outside we build so our lives will seem filled
But on the inside we're never complete

So what is the answer? What is the cure?
What's the solution to being so insecure?
Can sex, drugs and money fulfill all your dreams?
Or a 7-step process restore self-esteem?

Well if we're all here by chance, and there's no higher power
Then live life to the full or just waste every hour
If it makes you feel good, then do all the more
And find satisfaction in what you adore

Just eat, drink, sleep, party, have fun then die
'Cause what does it matter what you do to feel high?
If you only live once, then do what you choose
And we're all here by chance so you really can't lose

But the problem with that: it's ignorant lies
It's the best people offer but never satisfies
It's like try'n to fill a bucket right up to the top
While it's leaking out more than you ever could stop

Whatever the world can produce as the answer
Just eats us away like an emotional cancer
There's nothing inside you to enlighten your soul
You can't do a thing to make you feel whole

So what if we've been looking in all the wrong places
Trying to find gratification to fill our hearts' spaces?
What if the real answer isn't something conceived?
Isn't not dreamt up by people, but something received?

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